Friday, October 31, 2008

More Hope And Change-Get Rid Of Reporters From Newspapers That Endorsed John McCain

Ahh, that Messiah Barack Obama fellow, he of the thin skin, has found a way to get rid of some reporters that did nothing that worked for newspapers that dared, dared I tell you, to endorse Sen. John "F--- You" McCain according to the Drudge Report.
So, after months and great expense from the dead tree media, reporters from the Dallas Morning News, New York Post and Washington Times are being asked to leave the press plane. Supposedly, it is to make room for other, probably favorable reporters.
Let us see the pattern.
Go after any one that dares to ask tough questions of Sen. Messiah.
All I can say is that if hope and change leads to this, it is not hope and change but more of the same. And, this from the man many have called a Messiah.

*****Do not forget. If you are for Barack Obama for president, please go to Why Are You For Barack Obama?*****

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"All I can say is that if hope and change leads to this, it is not hope and change but more of the same."

That's sarcasm, right? I mean, you never BELIEVED the whole "change" mantra, right?

The only change I expect is a change from Bush's failed "get along" policy to Obama's "my way or the highway" policy.