A sneak peak at what the Democrats want to do to close a huge budget deficit here in the not-so Golden State http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/front/la-me-taxes9-2008jul09,0,4832605.story leaves one question.
When will Gov. Benedict Arnold cave and agree to the massive tax hikes?
It does not help when the governor's spokesman, Aaron McClear had this to say:
"But, as he has said, it is important that everything be on the table (referring to Gov. Benedict Arnold). "
Really? Everything? Then I say, we better hide our wallets!
There is no doubt that Gov. Benedict Arnold will cave and raise taxes. After all, he is not running for election in 2010 as he will be termed out of office. On almost every issue, Gov. Benedict Arnold has been a Democrat enabler.
On same-sex marriage, he danced the fence but the real feelings about it came even before the California state supreme court divined a "right" to same-sex marriage. He told the Log Cabin Republicans that he would oppose Proposition 8, which would recognize traditional marriage. It would not take away any of the domestic partner laws that apply to same-sex partnerships.
When the court made its ruling, Gov. Benedict Arnold said that the state would accommodate right away. Not exactly a Mitt Romney on that subject.
Then there is globaloney warming. Gov. Benedict Arnold puts Al Gore and Sen. John "F--- You" McCain to shame in his never-ending quest to stop something that no one really knows is man-made or not.
On issue after issue, Gov. Benedict Arnold has been no more than a caretaker governor. Gray Davis with a personality.
The budget issue is finally a moment that Gov. Benedict Arnold could make a difference. But, he will not. He wants a deal. For it is more important for him to show that he was "post-partisan"-read, caving in to the Democrats.
Gov. Benedict Arnold could call for budget reform. But he will not.
I am afraid that the compromise will end up being what kind of taxes will be raised and how high. The Democrats have layed down where, how high and on who. All the legislative Republicans can do is just say no. And wait to, once again, be let down by the leading state Republican, Gov. Benedict Arnold.
California will eventually have to deal with the structural budget problems. It would be better to do that now instead of later. But, that will just get in the way of the tax hike.
It is only a matter of time before, once again, Gov. Benedict Arnold folds like a cheap lawn chair. And the people and what is left of business in California will be left holding the bag.
Califirnia is a great example of what a dominant democratic government looks like...bankrupt morally and fiscally! :)N
AMEN! I really think that this state will be bankrupt in the next ten years or less. If one is a state employee, they have it made. As well as being a teacher. Many make more retired than when they were working. GM is a great analogy in the private sector.
64 liberalism running amock leads to a muck!! (hey i need to patent that!!!)... arnold will remembered as creating a muck.. and the sad thing is if he would of followed the principles he ran on none of this would have happened!!
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