Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Truth From Tony Blankley

For those who are so impressed with Sen. Messiah Barack and or disillusioned about Sen. John "F--- You" McCain, this is a must read http://www.townhall.com/columnists/TonyBlankley/2008/07/02/formed_on_the_anvil_of_his_captivity.
Say what one will about Sen. "F--- You" McCain on policy, but as an American hero and most important a patriot, do not say anything less about Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
Remember, Whinny Wesley Clark said that then Capt. John McCain was "riding" in a fighter plane. Well Whinny Wesley, Capt. McCain did 23 of those "rides" more than you ever did. And you sir, were a disgrace as leader of the air war over the Balkans.
Maybe Sen. "F--- You" McCain would not lower himself to say what has to be said, but I will and all those who value the kind of service and sacrifice that has defined John McCain.
Read for yourself.


Nikki said...

this is so retarded...weasley clark is such a loser. He has the nerve to say that McCain's service doesn't qualify him and in the same breath acts like Obama is the epitome of experience. what planet is this guy from...great piece and thanks for the link! :)N

Pat Jenkins said...

more blasphemy to come mccain's way after this i do fear 64!!