Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dissecting The German Obamagasm

Today, before throngs of mostly youthful Germans, the international messiah himself, Sen. Messiah Barack, strode to the stage, almost like the real saviour, Jesus Christ, did in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Except the political messiah did not ride to the Victory Column in Berlin on a donkey. It would have been appropriate judging by the lame speech that he gave to the German people.
It was a terrible thing to start off with a lie, but Sen. Messiah Barack told a whopper in the second paragraph of the speech:

I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before. Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen - a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.

NOT AS A CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT?! So, when I make my next trip to Germany, may I meet with Chancellor (Angela) Merkel and then give a speech at the Victory Column? And will I have a throng prostrating over me? I don't think so. Here is a hint Oh Great Anointed One. Do not start off such a speech lying through your teeth next time.
And, the second part of that paragraph did not help either when he proclaimed to be a citizen of the world.
Now, think about the message that it sends home to the American people, you know, the ones that Sen. Messiah Barack is trying to win the votes of. It says that the United States is not all that much different from the rest of the world. Yet we are so different that people from all over the world would risk their lives to come here. The opportunities that we afford to many starting with freedom is powerful. And it is what make the United States the Shinning City On The Hill that a former president, Ronald Reagan, spoke eloquently about.
Then The Anointed One gave a 20th century history lesson about Berlin. I am glad that he boned up on that history. For the most part, it was accurate. Not like his knowledge of American history. You know, like the "bomb" that fell on Pearl Harbor.
But, leave it to Sen. Messiah Barack to some how tie in the War Against Islamofacist Terror with, I can not believe that I am writing this, globaloney warming. Here are two short paragraphs, in order:

The terrorists of September 11th plotted in Hamburg and trained in Kandahar and Karachi before killing thousands from all over the globe on American soil.
As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya.

I can not believe it! This man somehow equates the mass murder of 3,000 Americans in the name of radical Islam with an unproven theory at best.
The odd thing about his comment on the 9/11 attacks was that he mentioned the plot began in another German city, Hamburg. That was odd. Was that said to make the German people feel bad, or reminding them that they were somehow complicit in the event? I do not know. I guess it is because I just do not get these nuances from The Anointed One.
And I suppose that it was good to use moral equivalence in comparing the cars in Boston and the factories in Beijing. Too bad he did mention anything about India.
But I ask the question. What in the name of Almighty God does globaloney warming have to do with the terror attacks of 9/11? Maybe we will get an answer if a reporter actually asks The Anointed One about that. Do not hold your breath for that intrepid reporter.
Somehow, Sen. Messiah Barack does not get the irony of this that he said:

Poorly secured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union, or secrets from a scientist in Pakistan could help build a bomb that detonates in Paris. The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin. The poverty and violence in Somalia breeds the terror of tomorrow. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.

Other than the reference to Russia, former Soviet Union, what do you get out of the rest of that? Well, all the acts from the scientist from Pakistan to the genocide in Darfur is the direct result of radical Islam. But, those who rail about Darfur never seem to get the connection. Just as they did not get the connection for 30 years as black, Christian Sudanese were fighting a civil war with Arab, Islamics. Or the situation in Somalia. It is not just the poverty and violence. It is that radical Islam took hold there. It was only due to an invasion by Christian Ethiopia that there is a fight against these radical Islamics.
The rest of the speech was rather forgettable. Except to chide Germany for not sending more troops to help the United States in Afghanistan. It really would not matter if they sent in the whole German armed forces. When they are not allowed to engage in fighting, they are nothing more than sitting ducks. And, I would remind the junior Solon from Illinois that it was the United States that was attacked on 9/11, not Germany. Their help in any way is appreciated, but we have to carry the brunt of the mission there.
Of course the young Germans, who long ago seemingly gave up on God and the Christian religion, cheered for the man that they believe will be the secular messiah. The political saviour of the world.
However, I would like to remind the Germans and all others that this is an election for president of the United States, not the United Nations. It will be Americans, for the most part, that will vote in November. No matter how many "non-political" rallies he holds abroad.
I think that this speech as actually diminished Sen. Messiah Barack and showed the world that he will be a very lightweight leader of the United States should he be elected, God forbid.
Maybe he can run for German chancellor in a few years when his senate gig is up. They seem to really like him and his platitudes there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"... Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen ..."

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one; HE BELIEVES he's speaking, at that moment, on that day, with that speech, as an ordinary citizen.

The WHOLE TRIP is as a candidate for President, to drum up some additional excitement among the Obamanics and to fake some foreign policy credentials, but I think I can understand his thinking:

Whatever I say is the Truth, The Light and the Guiding Way, and I say, at this moment, I'm just one o' you guys.

And just never-you-mind the adoring throngs, they're there for Obama the Man, not Obama the candidate, that's just how freakin' great he is!