Friday, July 04, 2008

Some More Hyperbole From Gov. Benedict Arnold

Lately, California Gov. Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Republican, sounds just like any big government, nanny state Democrat. And, do not let a rash of fires throughout California to stand in the way of Gov. Benedict Arnold pontificate on the situation
As the Pasadena Star-News editorial points out, there is absolutely no evidence that legal fireworks have caused any of the current fires or any major fires to speak of.
Yet, there Gov. Benedict Arnold spout off, threatening the sale of legal fireworks in California.
The fact that many cities and counties in California have bought into the ridiculous notion that legal fireworks are so dangerous and banned them leads to a fact. The smuggling of and sale of illegal fireworks increase dramatically. And the chances are greater that the illegal fireworks can cause fires more than legal ones.
Just driving around Pasadena, California this morning with Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast, we saw a man selling illegal fireworks right out of a van. That would probably not happen if Pasadena allowed legal fireworks.
But, leave it to the Republican governor to spout off and threaten to take another right away under the guise of a greater good. When there is no evidence that taking away that right will be for a greater good.
The solution is that the governator should either shut his yak and govern or allow the sale of legal fireworks throughout California.
But, one can not expect any logic from Gov. Benedict Arnold. He has swung so far to the left, I am afraid he will fall down. Hmm, maybe that would be a good thing!


Nikki said...

Seriously! Where are all the Orrin Hatch's of the party pushing for forign born Presidents...yep that one is gone. He is a Kennedy and a sorry excuse for a Governor. His only accomplishment is a nice commercial trying to drum up vacationers to his lame state. nice post! :)N

Rick Frea said...

He needs to be seen as doing something, and this gives him something to blame. We have Gray Davis's sister over here in Michigan screwing up our state.

Righty64 said...

Nikki, I have not seen that commercial. I think I would throw up! Of course Sen. Hatch had to put that on the backburner when Gov. Benedict Arnold turned out to be Gray Davis with a personality! Ha, Freadom, that is a good one. It is unbelievable that many in the DDBMSM have pushed for Granholm to move up the poitical ladder. She is a disaster. One good thing. If one of the big three automakers were to go belly up, there would be a lot of union workers out of a job. Then maybe they would leave your state and you can get a real Republican and one with common sense.

Pat Jenkins said...

aren't lighting fireworks bad for the enviroment anyway... he he!!!

Righty64 said...

Good one, Mr. Pat!