Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Nationalization Of Health Care Is On

It appears that with votes to spare, only Democrat members of the House of Representatives have voted 224-203 to suspend the Rule and vote to advance the so-called health care "reform" scam.

And we have a so-called "pro-life", "moderate" Democrat, Rep. Bart Stupid, er Stupak (D & Soon to be voted out-Mich), to thank for advancing this abomination.

All it took to get Rep. Stupid, er Stupak, on board was the promise of the Dear Leader, President Obama, signing an Executive Order that would ban federal funding of abortion.

The little photoshop below says it all.

Here is a little primer on what an Executive Order means.

It is as good as long as that president is in office. If even that long. Oh and it does not trump the actual law. If that were the case, we would not need a legislature and would be ruled by a king or queen. Or in this case, a Dear Leader.

But why would Rep. Stupid, gosh darn it, Stupak, agree to such a non-commitment from the most pro-abortion president in history if he is really pro-life?

Because he is a Democrat politician first and foremost. And as we now see, there are very, very few Democrat politicians that would truly put their careers at risk to vote for pro-life legislation. But, they will listen to people like the Dear Leader, President Obama, Jackass Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Dingy Harry Reid, Majority Leader of the Senate. These folks basically put the screws to Rep. Stupak and his so-called "pro-life" caucus. The threat of money drying up for reelection trumps protecting human life before coming out of the womb.

Now that we know Rep. Stupak is but a cheap crack whore for selling out the pro-life movement, there is something we can do about it.

Meet Dan Benishek. He is the Republican that Rep. Stupak will face for reelection in November. Now, go to his Facebook page because the website is under construction. Mr. Benishek will be the most popular Republican from now until election day in November. Because he will be the 2010 Michael Flanagan. A man that will have brought down a titan of the left. Oh, and before one argues how "moderate" Rep. Stupak is, his American Conservative Union lifetime rating is 21%. I guess in Democratland, that is a "moderate".

I hate to admit this, but we on the other side put too much in these so-called "moderates" within the Democrat party. After all, it is a political party that has corruption down to a fine-art form. And for many so-called "moderates", all it took was a little cajoling from the Dear Leader, President Obama, Jackass Nancy and her Goon Squad and Dingy Harry Reid and his phony carrots for support.

What the Democrat party has done with this ram down is awakened the movement to defeat them in the mid term elections in November and defeat the Dear Leader, President Obama, in 2012.

And the fight to stop the nationalization of health care in the United States will not end with this vote and or a presidential signature.

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