Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How Can Hollyweird Defend Sick, Filthy Degenerate Roman Polanski
I mean, it is not enough that according to testimony provided at trial, Mr. Polanski lured the 13 year old girl on the premise that he would shoot some photos for the European version of Vogue magazine. But, that was a ruse. Mr. Polanski did take some photos, but had the young girl disrobe in front of him. Eventually he lured the 13 year-old girl to a bed and then proceeded to ply her with champagne and quaaludes. Once that was done, Mr. Polanski proceeded to have anal intercourse with the 13 year old girl.
Eventually in 1977, Mr. Polanski was brought up on multiple charges of rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, and lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14.
Do ya think?!
Mr. Polanski was sentenced to a 90 day psychiatric evaluation at the Chino Men's Colony (state prison) and after 42 days was released. That was part of a plea agreement in which Mr. Polanski copped to a much lesser charge of having unlawful sex with a minor. Mr. Polanski thought that he was going to get a slap on the wrist probation. But the judge was going to not only sentence Mr. Polanski to prison but deport him as well.
Mr. Polanski did a self-deportation and went to France, of course, where he resumed a directorial career and the accolades of a degenerate Hollyweird community.
Oh, the best part of the whole sordid tale is that at the time of the rape of the 13 year-old, Mr. Polanski was a ripe 44 year-old man.
But Mr. Polanski's degeneration certainly does not end there.
In an interview in 1979, Mr. Polanski utters these choice words:
“If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… f—ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f— young girls. Juries want to f— young girls. Everyone wants to f— young girls!”
WOW! What a cad! And a sick, filthy degenerate.
But, all that does not stop a slew of the degenarati from leaping to defend Mr. Polanski now that he sits in a jail cell in Switzerland.
Perhaps these degenerati ought to read the actual transcripts that go into lurid detail about what Mr. Polanski did to the 13 year-old girl.
Oh, and read what a Los Angeles deputy district attorney, in his capacity as a private citizen, says about all of this. It makes the hair on the back curl.
Here at this link over at Pajamas Media we get some of the scum that is bewildered that after 32 years, it appears that justice will finally be done.
Some of the degenerati include the following:
Woody Allen (Of course-he only married his stepdaughter!)
David Lynch
Harvey Weinstein
Whoopi Goldberg
Debra Winger
Tilda Swinton
Martin Scorsese
These are but a few and I am certain that the list will grow.
Oh, I forgot to add some political degenerati.
The Polish foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski and the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner.
And to top that off, Washington Post writer Anne Appelbaum has thrown in her two-cents. Too bad that she did not start off with the disclaimer that she is married to Mr. Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister.
To rebut Mrs. Appelbaum, none of the pathetic attempts to somehow mitigate the perversion that is Mr. Polanski cuts the mustard. A lot of people lost family in the Holocaust. And, some people have lost a wife and or husband to murder as he did with the late Sharon Tate at the hands of the Manson gang.
The fact is that because he is Roman Polanski, he was able to get a slew of charges dropped to a slap on the wrist and only probably had to serve a short time in prison.
And, like the wussy that he is, he left the United States and set up shop in Paris.
When Mr. Polanski eventually returns to the United States, he will be charged with fleeing the jurisdiction, Los Angeles county, before sentence can be handed down. And more than likely, he will serve some real jail time. Possibly until he dies being that he is now 76 years old.
That there is anyone in the Hollyweird community defending in any way this filthy degenerate shows why the vast majority of Americans are fed up with these elites. They live in a different world. And it is not a world I would want to be a part of.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Dear Leader Begging For The 2016 Summer Olympics-Get Ready For More American Humiliation
Some of our friends on the right side such as Jim Geraghty and Ramesh Ponneru at National Review think that this is a formality. That the trip the Dear Leader, President Obama, and First Lady, Michelle Obama, are making is just icing on the cake.
Allow me to offer a contrarian point of view on this topic.
Chicago will not be awarded the 2016 Summer Olympics. That I believe is already a done deal.
Other than Chicago, the other finalists are Tokyo, Rio de Janiero and Madrid. The smart money says that this is Tokyo's to lose. But, my hunch is that it will be awarded to either Madrid or Rio de Janiero.
But imagine that an American president, in what is an unprecedented move, goes to state his case to the International Olympic Committee. In this case it is the Dear Leader, President Obama, going to make a case for his adopted home town of Chicago getting these games. I am certain that the Dear Leader will not expand on this activity that takes place in the Windy City on a daily basis. Can't ruin the narrative, don'tcha know!
After the Dear Leader's wondrous words flowing through the aid of the teleprompter, the IOC makes its decision and. . .it is not Chicago.
Once again, the Dear Leader, President Obama, will have failed by his words alone to change people's minds. And he will have diminished the prestige of the office of President of the United States. It will be as if the Dear Leader is nothing more than a pimp for getting the 2016 Summer Olympics for his adopted hometown of Chicago.
And, he will have failed.
No, I think that the Dear Leader, President Obama, is on a rescue mission that is two-fold.
First, it is a wonderful respite from the pressures of actually having to be the president. Ah, all this about socialized health care, so-called economic "stimulus" that is true Voodoo Economics, how Iran will not only have nukes, but the weaponry to deliver them. Chuck it for a day. I have to make sure my homies in Chi Town are taken care of, says the Dear Leader.
Second, he will believe that he, the Dear Leader, will ride in on the Unicorn of Hope and deliver the greatest speech the IOC has ever heard about why Chicago should get the 2016 Summer Olympics. And, like his recent trip to the United Nations, it will be all for naught.
No, I very much disagree with those who believe that it is all in the bag and the Summer Olympics will return to American soil in 2016.
It will be one more chance for an international group to rub the United States' nose in the dirt. And they will, no doubt, get an assist from the Dear Leader, President Obama.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Update On The Wiggle Waggle Walk
The event was held today.
And the goal was $330,000 dollars to raise for this, the 11th annual version of the walk.
However, the total raised as of today was only $244,659.52. And our team, Paws On Parade had a goal of $5,000 and raised $4,000.
Considering the state of the economy, the fact that almost 75% of the total goal was raised is amazing in and of itself. And our team, Paws On Parade met 80% of our goal is a testament to the hard work of the members of the team.
There were two courses, a one-mile walk and a three-mile walk. We chose the one-mile as even at 9 in the morning, it was rather warm. Some dogs were lucky and their owners had some transportation once they puckered out. But, Scout the Wonder Dog was a trooper and walked the whole course.
Today was a fun day. A day to support a worthy cause and put the world's other troubles-which there are many-on the back burner.
Tomorrow, back to the real world. Today, our family was proud to be a part of the Wiggle Waggle Walk.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Help The Animals-Donate To The Wiggle Waggle Walk
Tomorrow, Scout the wonder dog, Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast and I will be participating in the 11th annual Pasadena Humane Society Wiggle Waggle Walk fundraiser at the world famous Rose Bowl.
The goal is to raise $330,000 for the PHS. Unfortunately, that goal is about $90,000 short.
So, I ask you to dig deep. Really deep. ANY AMOUNT will do. It can be $5.00 or $50.00 or what ever you can give.
Our family will be participating under the team Paws On Parade. Go to the link and there you can make a donation. Our team is less than $1,500 away from our goal of $5,000. We need to raise another $1,285 to meet the goal.
So, if can donate anything, please go to the Wiggle Waggle Walk link and give what you can.
Scout the Wonder Dog was from the Pasadena Humane Society and we know the good work that they do.
All the animals and we thank you for doing what you can!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Too Bad Bibi Is Not OUR Leader
That speech was full of sophistry and the least realistic view of the world since that of former President Jimmah Carter.
I would like to contrast that with the speech of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu one day later before the cast of the Freak Show known as the General Assembly.
I think that these words need to be repeated over, and over, and over to the Dear Leader, President Obama, and his minions as they try the power of the Dear Leader over the power of tyranny and terrorism.
I stand here today as the Prime Minister of Israel, the Jewish state, and I speak to you on behalf of my country and my people.
Nothing has undermined that central mission more than the systematic assault on the truth. Yesterday the President of Iran stood at this very podium, spewing his latest anti-Semitic rants. Just a few days earlier, he again claimed that the Holocaust is a lie.
This June, President Obama visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. Did President Obama pay tribute to a lie?Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come here and to those who left this room in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries.
But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?
A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies that the murder of six million Jews took place and pledges to wipe out the Jewish state.
What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations! Perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime threaten only the Jews. You're wrong.
History has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others.
Read the whole transcript that is linked.
Unlike the Dear Leader, President Obama, Mr. Netanyahu lives in the real world. And that real world is a dangerous neighborhood called the Middle East. It is not a hospitable place for those that are Jewish and believe that it is their God-given right for a place to call home. There are some really bad, dangerous and fanatical people in that neighborhood that would like nothing more than to wipe the State of Israel right off the map. And a few million more Jews will die, incinerated in a nuclear holocaust if the cretin in Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has his way.
Mr. Netanyahu is not polyanish about the rough road that lies ahead. He realizes that his nation maybe the only ones with the wherewithal and stomach to do what may have to be done.
And that is take out the nuclear development going on right now in Iran. By utter, brute force.
By contrast, the Dear Leader, President Obama, really believes that all he has to do is give the little cretin, Ahmadinejad, some face time and somehow, all will be rosy.
Moral clarity helps to have a sane foreign policy. When that is thrown out the window as the Dear Leader, President Obama, seems to be doing, it really is a disgrace. When the Dear Leader says that the United States is no longer the beacon of freedom for the world, that we are as equal a nation as any other, that is a huge red flag. When the Dear Leader, President Obama, says such mealie pap as this comedy at his speech at the Freak Show:
No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold. The traditional division between nations of the south and north makes no sense in an interconnected world. Nor do alignments of nations rooted in the cleavages of a long gone Cold War.
Well, Dear Leader, unless the nations of the world cease to exist, that is beyond an unrealistic way to look at the world. A "world order" that makes the United States as equal as Iran, North Korea, Red China and Red Cuba is not worth the price, Dear Leader.
It is a balance of power that had kept the United States out of a hot war with the old Soviet Union. Does the Dear Leader, President Obama, want to end NATO? I mean, it is a result of the Cold War.
I only hope that the Dear Leader, President Obama, was just playing to the loony-left base that catapulted him to the Oval Office. He needed to go to the Buchenwald death camp with Prime Minister Netenyahu. And understood that if it were not for the moral clarity and leadership of the United States, the Nazis and their allies may have been able to achieve their perverse goals.
As I wrote in the headline, on foreign policy, too bad that Bibi Netanyahu is not our leader.
Even Some Of The Dear Leader's Friends Are Questioning His Governing Style
David Broder is not a right winger. And you must read the whole column to get the thrust of what is wrong with the way the Dear Leader, President Obama, is trying to govern the United States.
The money quote is this:
Democracy and representative government are a lot messier than the progressives and their heirs, including Obama, want to admit. No wonder they are so often frustrated.
And therein lies the problem for Team Obama and their allies in congress.
The term that Mr. Broder uses to describe the approach of the Dear Leader, President Obama is rational analysis. That is taking taking on the big issues as the Dear Leader sees them and trying to be above the fray and offer what would seem to be, on the surface, a rational approach to solving any problem. The Dear Leader and allies seem to think that this trumps something called governing.
Governing is messy. It means that many times, only some things can be done and others have to wait. Some things are done that should not be done. Some things that needs to be done are not. It is the way that a government, a representative republic, works.
And Mr. Broder points out that the last two Democrat presidents, Jimmah Carter and William Jefferson Blythe Clinton saw that approach blow up in their faces. Mr. Carter lost reelection in 1980 and Mr. Clinton saw large Democrat congressional majorities gone by the middle of his first term.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, needs to realize that he will have to listen to those on the other side if he is to get any of his agenda implemented. It means that he will have to put away the campaign shtick and talk to Republicans. Not tell them that he won and that is that. One thing that Mr. Clinton learned is that he needed to do that when the Republicans took over the congress in 1994. Had he not done so, he most certainly been defeated for reelection in 1996.
We shall see what emerges in the next few weeks and months. But if this is the way the Dear Leader, President Obama, thinks he is going to get anything done, it is going to be a long three-plus years left in his term.
HT: Carol Platt Liebau @ www.townhall.com/blog
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Idiot Of The Day: Why The Dear Leader, President Obama
Today, the honor of Idiot Of The Day goes to our Dear Leader, President Obama, and his abysmal speech before the freak show a.k.a. the United Nations general assembly.
Just a note.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, was followed by the Libyan dictator and Mickey Rourke double, Mohamar Khadafy.
One can leave it alone at that, but one needs to dissect the speech from the Dear Leader, President Obama, as to why he gets this wondrous title for a day.
Take a look at the second paragraph from the Dear Leader, President Obama:
I have been in office for just nine months, though some days it seems a lot longer. I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world. These expectations are not about me.
Ok, we all know that when the Dear Leader, President Obama, says that it is not about him, well it is always about him.
Get to the third paragraph of the speech to get the first taste of apologizing for what a wretched nation the United States had been but a few months ago:
I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust. Part of this was due to misperceptions and misinformation about my country. Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others. This has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for our collective inaction.
Dear Leader, President Obama, the reason that many of the freak show you were speaking to has the anti-American attitude is because they do not like the United States. They do not like what we have stood for well over 230 years as a nation. These freaks do not like the fact that the United States will always act in the interests of the United States. pure, plain and simple.
Now, to his credit, the Dear Leader, President Obama, does the obligatory 'my responsibility is to act in the interest of my nation and my people, and I will never apologize for defending those interests.' yada, yada, yada. And literally in the next breath he talks about 'the interests of nations and peoples are shared.'
The Dear Leader, President Obama, went on to talk about sharing mutual interests and acting in concord, yada, yada, yada.
and there is this funny line from the Dear Leader, President Obama:
Speeches alone will not solve our problems .
Really? Well, it sure has been all that you have done in regards to your vaunted so-called health-care "reform".
I digress.
Now back to the Freak Show.
The Dear Leader went on to talk about all the things that he did since he took office.
Remember back to the beginning of this post, when the Dear Leader, President Obama, said that the expectations were not about him.
Sure, Dear Leader!
As he goes on to discuss his "Four Pillars" policies, this is the coup de grace as to why the Dear Leader, President Obama, gains the title Idiot Of The Day.
In reference to the Israel-Palestinian war, the Dear Leader, President Obama, makes this moronic statement:
The goal is clear: two states living side by side in peace and security - a Jewish State of Israel, with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.
I highlight the "ends the occupation that began in 1967 because it shows that the Dear Leader, President Obama, is just stupid about the 1967 war.
Over 200,000 Arab troops from Egypt, Jordan and Syria were massing on the tenuous borders of Israel with the full intention of wiping off the Jewish state once and for all. Israel knew that this was coming and launched a surprise air assault on the Egyptian air force, the strongest of the Arab armed forces. The Israeli air force decimated the Egyptian air force. In six days, against supposedly some of the strongest armies of the world, Israel gained the Golan Heights from Syria. The West Bank from Jordan. The Sinai peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt. Israel gained much more than double its total land area. Over the years, Israel gave the Sinai back to Egypt, a large portion of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. The only territorial gain that Israel did not give back was the Golan Heights. To equate Israel with being an occupying force akin to a conquering nation is absurd. If they could, they would give up every bit of land gained if the Arab and Islamic fanatics would just leave them alone.
The whole speech is sophomoric at best and shows that this president, The Dear Leader, Obama, is way in over his head.
We can only be thankful that there is now only 1,214 days left of this presidency.
But, at least the Dear Leader, President Obama can say that he gets the Right View From The Left Coast IDIOT OF THE DAY!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Schilling Won't Seek Kennedy Seat
One thing about Mr. Schilling that would have made for an interesting race is that he would be unpredictable. And right now, the United States needs a little shaking up.
And, one should read this manifesto of sorts on Mr. Schilling's own 38 Pitches blog. It is not a perfect one, but it is a real one. And more than anything, we need some authenticity in those that we elect to office.
I hope that it is possible to change Mr. Schilling's mind. The United States needs straight-shooters like Mr. Schilling in office.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu-Idiot Of The Day!
Well, there is a new Idiot Of The Day and it comes from within the inner sanctum of Team Obama.
It is the Energy Secretary, Steven Chu.
And what earns Mr. Chu the dubious title of Idiot Of The Day?
Maybe it is when Mr. Chu refers to Americans as "Teenage kids" because we are not falling in line with Mr. Chu and his boss, the Dear Leader, President Obama, on so-called "climate change".
The full quote in question has to be read for the arrogance that drips from the tongue of Mr. Chu:
“The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act,” Dr. Chu said. “The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is.”
And whats more is that the Energy Department, which should have been disbanded in the Reagan administration, is going to make sure that they start with the, well teenage kids.
In the linked article, the Environmental Protection Agency is teaming up with the Parent Teacher Organization and going out to 6,000 schools to spread propaganda about so-called excessive greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and the new and improved buzz-term, climate change.
Hey, kiddies. Uncle Right View From The Left Coast is going to let you in on one little secret.
"Climate change" sounds a lot better than the old buzz term, "Global Warming". Or as it is correctly referred to here as Globaloney Warming.
But, dang that Mr. Chu. He does not stop there.
Mr. Chu, parroting the Dear Leader, President Obama, says this about the so-called "green" economy:
Still, Secretary Chu said he didn’t think that the public would throw the same political temper tantrum over climate legislation has has happened with the healthcare debate.
Asked if he expected a town-hall style pushback, Dr. Chu said he was optimistic the public would buy the administration’s arguments that energy efficiency and caps on greenhouse-gas emissions will spark an economic rebound.
“I don’t think so…maybe I’m optimistic, but there’s very little debate” that a new green energy economy will bring economic prosperity, Mr. Chu told reporters.
I am so sorry to imform you, Mr. Chu, but there is a debate over whether or not a "green" economy will bring economic prosperity. And a little more for you, Mr. Chu. The "temper tantrum" that the American people are throwing is not just at the Dear Leader, President Obama, trying to nationalize one-sixth of the United States economy by nationalizing health-care delivery. The "temper tantrum" is about the excess of big government all the way around.
I do not understand how the Dear Leader, President Obama, still has any popularity whatsoever. And guys like Steven Chu do not help either.
From the Dear Leader, President Obama, on down, it appears that this administration is going to do anything opposite that the people want. And they will make sure to insult them along the way as well.
And so long as there is an Obama administration and such clueless souls as Steven Chu, there will be a place for the IDIOT OF THE DAY! And today's entry is Energy Secretary, Steven Chu.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
How To Get The Combo Package Of Barack Obama
In this area, unlike everything else, the Dear Leader, President Obama, has some bipartisanship.
And I especially like the reference to the leadership and personal traits of a few of our presidents.
This is priceless from our friends at Gay Patriot.
What A Shock! The Dear Leader "Open" To A Newspaper Bailout!
Of course the Dear Leader has an interest in a newspaper bailout.
After all, many if not most of the leading newspapers in the United States have sold their objectivity at the feet of the Dear Leader.
Hence, this blog lumps them in with the rest of the Obamawhore media. You know, the three major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC and National Public Radio, PBS, and the two major "news"weeklies, Newsweek and Time.
And I find this comment rich and, well, judge for yourself:
"I am concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere, all opinions, with no serious fact-checking, no serious attempts to put stories in context, that what you will end up getting is people shouting at each other across the void but not a lot of mutual understanding."
Really, that is what our news media has become? And who, pray tell Dear Leader, is so much of this the fault of? What, Fox News Channel? HotAir? What, there is none of what you mentioned at the aforementioned Obamawhore media?
Now, what the Dear Leader failed to mention is that it is also what kind of stories are chosen to be discussed by the Obamawhore media.
Maybe if they did some work, the Dear Leader would have never appointed unrepentant communist Van Jones to be the so-called "Green" job czar. Or maybe had the same Obamawhore media been paying attention during the 2008 presidential Death March campaign, they would have asked how then Sen. Messiah Barack could have sat in the pews of Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years listening to the crap from the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright. Or maybe that then Sen. Messiah Barack release his college transcripts and records. And maybe the Obamawhore media could have spent sometime examining his record as an Illinois state senator.
But no, the media that the Dear Leader says should be doing fact-checking and the like can not get facts straight in the first place.
So, is there any wonder that the Dear Leader, President Obama, would seriously contemplate changing the face of the newspaper industry? Of course not!
Pasadena Patriots Introduce RVFTLC To Whole Foods
Since that view did not support the Dear Leader, President Obama, and his "public option" plan, many of those that normally shop at Whole Foods said "Whoa Nellie!" and began a pushback that includes a boycott of Whole Foods.
Where oh where are these folks gonna get the organic arugula for their mixed greens?
Well, the Pasadena Patriots and many other organizations support a buycott of Whole Foods. It is simple. Shop at a local Whole Foods and show support for Mr. Mackey and blunt the attempt by some disgruntled shoppers who think that getting food is some kind of political statement.
Now your humble blogger has not been to a Whole Foods in about seven years. The last and only time until today was that I was thirsty and wanted a drink. I knew nothing about Whole Foods at that time. I went in, looking for a Coca-Cola and was horrified by what I saw. It looked like a freak show of over grown, in more ways than one, hippies and other assorted misfits. I vowed not to step foot in another one again.
Then their CEO actually wrote something that made sense. How to deal with health-care reform without getting the federal government so involved.
I thought before this buycott that I may have to break my vow and show support by stepping into a local Whole Foods. And yes, buy something. So, the Pasadena Patriots organized today as a day.
So, Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast and I took the step into the new local Whole Foods and I admit, I was pleasantly surprised.
It is still a bit on the freak-show side, but now there assorted yuppies and that type interspersed with the old and young hippies and wannabes. And today, there were a lot of regular people shopping and showing support for a CEO, John Mackey, who simply offered some way other than the Democrat party line-single-payer, socialized medicine.
And there were actually some items that I would even buy and did!
And who knows, maybe I would go back-if it was not so damned expensive!
I am glad that I went, showed some support for Mr. Mackey and his right to express his point of view, and rethought my thinking on Whole Foods.
Thank you Pasadena Patriots for taking time to organize and get people out there to support rather than oppose an issue or a person.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Idiot Of The Day: Nancy Pelosi
It appears that Mrs. Pelosi is "concerned" that the United States is in a climate that we will see political violence.
This video is one big guffaw from Mrs. Pelosi.
Mrs. Pelosi actually says this in the aforementioned video:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco,” Pelosi said, choking up and with tears forming in her eyes. “This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made."
What Mrs. Pelosi is alluding to is the assassination of San Francisco mayor George Moscone and the openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk. Never mind that the killer, himself a supervisor, Dan White, did not have a political ax to grind, but a personnel one with both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Milk.
But, let us have some revisionist history to make a insipid, well I would say point. But there is no point in what Mrs. Pelosi is saying.
Mrs. Pelosi is jumping on the bandwagon of the left. They are so desperate and shell-shocked. They did not realize that not all Americans are on board the Barack Obama Happy Days Are Here Again Express. Many Americans, and some that voted for the Dear Leader, President Obama, are having second thoughts.
The reality is that many Americans believe that the Dear Leader may not be all up to the task of being the leader of not just the United States. But whoever the president is is also the leader of the free world.
I am certain that our Eastern European allies, the Czech Republic and Poland are happy now that the Dear Leader, President Obama, is cancelling the missile defense shield that was proposed during the Bush 43 administration.
And the current, legitimate government in Honduras of Roberto Micheletti is happy that the Dear Leader, President Obama, supports the removed, illegitimate president Manuel Zelaya.
But what rankles a lot of Americans is the overwhelming push to nationalize health care delivery in a fashion that has no debate or oversight.
It comes on top of the TARP bailout of big banks.
And yes, it did start under former President George W. Bush. But, the Dear Leader, President Obama, did not have to continue it.
And then there is the $700,000,000,000 so-called economic "stimulus" that is a failure.
Of course the government takeover of General Motors and the shotgun marriage of Chrysler with Italian car maker, Fiat.
What the American people have been trying to tell the Dear Leader and the Democrat congress is to at least slow down. There is not a end-of-the-world rush that this has to be done yesterday.
Now, what gets Mrs. Pelosi and company all fired up is that some fringe people are attaching themselves to legitimate people and organizations that are peaceably combating the Obama administration. Somehow, crazy Democrat Lyndon Larouchies have popped up at some of these events. It is they, self-identified Democrats, that have started the Obama in a Hitler moustache photo waving.
And at the 9/12 Rally in Los Angeles, these nuts were put in a corner away from the people. Sure, they had their table, but few if any paid attention to them.
Do some people on our side get carried away?
But, we do not tolerate or support anyone who wishes harm to the president or anyone else.
Somehow, Mrs. Pelosi was rather silent for eight years as her friends and allies said some of the most firery comments against former President George W. Bush. And worse to former Vice-President Cheney. Hell, Mrs. Pelosi, some creepy film maker even fantasized about Mr. Bush being assassinated! I did not hear Mrs. Pelosi comment about that.
But say anything against the Dear Leader and or his proposals and we are now branded every name in the book.
And a former racist president, Jimmah Carter, even went so far as to accuse most, not all, of the Dear Leader's opponents as racists. Too bad the Obamawhore media is not reminding the American people about a governor's race in Georgia in 1970. Hmm, who was the Democrat candidate in that race? Oh, right! It was Jimmah Carter! And what did he do to win that election? Play on the race card.
When it was convenient for Mr. Carter, it was OK to play on people's fears. And to accept the endorsement of racist former governor Lester Maddox.
No, I think the Madame Speaker needs to cry about the fact she is going to be the House minority leader. If she is so lucky. And remember, right behind Sen. Ma'am Boxer, Speaker Pelosi is the IDIOT OF THE DAY!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Support Republicans For Senate Races-Not The NRSC
Take the not so good one first.
If you are a Republican or Republican-leaning voter, Mr. Hewitt says that we must fork out some cash to the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatrorial Committee to help Republicans take back congress.
Well, I say this.
Support the NRCC. It appears that under the leadership of Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the candidates for congress are lining up nicely. And there is no heavy-handedness in trying to pick one candidate over the other in any given district.
But, do not support the NRSC!
Sen. John Cornyn, (also R-Texas), seems to be an OK guy. But, under his leadership any chance of taking back the senate will be doomed from the start.
It is because of the heavy-hand of Sen. Cornyn and his attempts to coronate certain candidates in races before there is even a primary.
The most egregious case of this is in Florida, with Sen. Cornyn endorsing Gov. Charlie Crist and vowing precious NRSC cash to help Gov. Crist in a primary. The first announced candidate was not Gov. Crist, but former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio. A dream candidate. Hispanic, conservative and an up-and-comer. So, Sen. Cornyn endorses the old, White guy. Hey, John. May I call you John? Stay out of the Florida race! Let the Florida Republicans decide and then, pour everything at your disposal to make sure the primary winner wins the general. For the record, I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Rubio because I agree with him on the issues. And it was made easy when John decided to openly take sides and back Gov. Crist.
Same thing in California.
Although she has not announced her candidacy, it appears that former Hewlitt-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina will face off against Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.
And John and the Washington Insider Express is openly backing the unannounced candidacy of Mrs. Fiorina. Once again, makes the decision easy. I have endorsed Assemblyman DeVore.
And some of John's fingerprints are all over in Colorado as well.
We Republicans should be glad and thankful that so many people want to run for office this election cycle. In the last two, Republican candidates and or potential candidates stayed away in droves.
And we Republicans should stay out of primary endorsements from the top. It is what happened when George W. Bush was president and Karl Rove were trying to build a permanent Republican majority. And, it did a lot of good.
Today, we have some of their handy work hanging around the Republican neck like a bad garlic necklace.
Arlen Specter. Lincoln Chafee. Jumpin' Jim Jeffords.
Those are but three of many that were openly endorsed by Mr. Bush and Mr. Rove. I do not need to remind you the fate of all three.
If the NRSC lets the candidates fight it out in primaries and back the winner all the way, I will then encourage and support with cash the NRSC.
Until then, back the candidate of your choice. Do not take your cue from John or any one else in the Washington Insider Express.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Maybe Congress Can Investigate Black Kids Beating Up White KID
You remember Congressman Wilson. He had the tenacity to speak truth to power. Congressman Wilson interrupted President Obama's epic fail of a speech before a joint session of congress last Wednesday night. What did Congressman Wilson dare say?
"You lie!"
The Dear Leader, President Obama, actually looked up and said "that's not true".
So, today, Congressman Wilson got his "rebuke" essentially along a party line vote of 240-179. Amazingly, seven Republicans joined the majority. Even more amazing, 12 Democrats joined the minority.
Hey, maybe congress ought to look at this incident in which a White high school student was beaten up by two Black students.
Now the officials in the case are backtracking that the attack maybe racially motivated.
Can not Black students beat up a White student and it may very well be racially motivated?
Of course. And it happens all the time. Also happens the other way too.
But would the same school and police officials be so quick to backtrack if the situation was reversed?
I doubt it.
But, the point overall is that congress has a helluva lot better things to do than score political points on the head of Congressman Wilson.
In reality, this could very well be the Democrat Terry Schiavo moment.
That was when a Republican controlled congress got involved in a years-long struggle to let Mrs. Schiavo, in a vegetative state, to die rather than be kept alive by artificial means. Congress voted to take the case out of Florida courts and transfer it to federal court. Then President George W. Bush went to Washington, D. C. to sign the legislation.
While many of us who favored the legislation thought that it was appropriate, public opinion did not.
The prevailing view was that congress overstepped it bounds.
And that maybe what people see here as well.
But, again, congress can look into this situation in Bellevue and see whether or not it was racially motivated.
It would be a better waste of congress time rather than harassing a fellow congressman for daring to speak truth to power.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Healthcare A "Right"
I am sorry to break it to you. But, health care, the kind that many advocate of single-payer, government ran health care is not a right.
However, judging by this unscientific poll over at Facebook, there is a lot of work to educate the American people that having a government ran and controlled health care system is not a right.
I would like you to take a look at this link at the web site Real Cuba. There we see how the "right" of health care in a government ran and controlled system is totally abused. And that the very people that it claims to help to provide basic health care in fact does not do that at all.
I highlight this because in the Michael Moore movie, "Sicko", he takes a group of Americans and they are given the royal treatment. Mr. Moore is told that what the American group was provided is what all Cubans receive, courtesy of the government.
Hmm, really?

Well, take a look at some photos.
Over to the right is what a typical hospital bed looks like at a typical hospital for the average Cuban. This is from Hogar Provincial de Ancianos Marina Azcuy. Nice. Very nice. And oh, so sanitary too!

How about this one over at the left. One wonders why this man is pushing another in a wheel barrel. Well, the wheel barrel pusher is taking the old man to the hospital. In a wheel barrel?! Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot? So, why is the younger man taking the older man to the hospital in a wheel barrel? Well, This photo was taken by a tourist. This man said that he was taking his sick father to the hospital on a wheelbarrow because there were no ambulances available. And what can the old man expect when he enters a typical emergency room at a Cuban hospital?

Take a look over at the right. This is what the average Cuban citizen, where the health care is free and for all, gets when they go to an emergency room. I especially like the crumbling walls right above the patients bed. It would give me the feeling of confidence that I was getting the best care that the government could provide.
Now, some will argue that I purposely take these examples to distort what a single-payer health care delivery system would look like in the United States. Of course I do not think it would be as awful as this. But, so many on the left love to tout Red Cuba as the benchmark of a nation that can provide free health care to all it's people. If this is what free health care means, I absolutely reject this so-called "right"!
And that is one of the major aspects of the whole debate going on right now in this nation.
Just because one has access to health care in some form does not deem it a right. In the perfect world, everyone would have the totally best health care coverage. And the largest house that anyone wants. And the best job that anyone wants. But, we do not live in that world.
I have been uninsured before. It is a little scary. It means that I had to take better care of myself. That I did not need to go a a doctor for every little problem. I had to actually take a self-inventory of my own health and try to the best of my ability to maintain good health. And I am glad of that because I still try to do that today. When I did not have health insurance, I was in my 20s and pretty healthy. And, I would not take insurance if someone that had real medical conditions needed it over myself.
When we make up so-called rights, we lose a little freedom. At the time, it seems good, but in the long run, it is a disaster. Look at every nation that has socialized medicine. A seemingly good idea is usually one that ends up more costly than the private health plans demonized by the likes of the Dear Leader, President Obama.
Can what is happening in Red Cuba happen here? Probably not to the same extent. The American people would not tolerate it. But, it is a possibility. One that I will continue to be against.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Little More Of The 09/12 Rally In Photos
Scenes From The Los Angeles 9/12 Rally
To the right is your humble blogger making his view known. Yes, I now have a beard and no, it is not to protest the Dear Leader!
A really hilarious sign being held by this woman. If you can not read it, the caption reads, "Comrade Obama Leading Us To The Glorious Future!" and of course there are photos of the Democrat congressional leadership. Priceless!
9/12 Rallies Are Huge Success
In the next post there will be a lot of photos from this event.
But, here are some takeaways from the event.
One of the speakers encouraged many in the crowd to run for public office. And that is a great takeaway. That while this movement is important, it will be credible when people from this movement take the next step and get in the game to see effective change. And running for office does not mean just big ones like the congress or the senate. There is a lot to be done at the local level. At one's city council. Maybe run for mayor of your town. There are school boards. Water boards. Many ways to be part of the process to get the things done that we care about.
Another important takeaway is that this rally had little if any publicity. I learned about it from the Pasadena Patriots, the local Tea Party group. Also, the Los Angeles county Republican party had an e-mail sent out. But for all the so-called power of conservative talk radio, I heard little if any information about this rally in Los Angeles. To get 2,500 to 4,000 people to gather on a Saturday, September afternoon by word-of-mouth shows that this is a real movement that will make its voice heard not just today, but in many upcoming elections.
Like it or not, the election of Barack Obama as president and the increase in Democrat congressional majorities has awakened a complacent, sleeping giant. One of the signs that I saw today, but failed to take a photo of, was this:
We are no longer a Silent Majority.
And that is the message heard around the United States today, Saturday, September 12, 2009.
9/12 Rally In Los Angeles
Led by the March on Washington, there are many events taking place around the United States.
I want to highlight the one I will be attending later today.
It is in Los Angeles at the Federal Building. The address is:
11000 Wilshire Blvd, West Los Angeles, California
It is going to be a large event with a lot of people participating.
Two of the big names are actor Gary Graham and John Romano, who happen to be contributors to the Andrew Breitbart website Big Hollywood.
There will also be Republican candidates for congress, state assembly and state senate.
If you are in the West Los Angeles area today around 3pm, show up and keep the momentum going. What we did at the Tea Parties on April 15 and in the August congressional townhalls is not enough. The left wing is just getting started and has a lot of cash and groups on their side.
This movement is gaining support because unlike the astroturf on the left, this is truly the grass roots at work. It is regular, hard-working middle-class people that have had it. We feel that our voices have not been heard for many a moon. And now, with such communication as the internet, a movement is being born. And it is in the toddler stage and soon will be larger than many on the other side realize.
Hope to see you at the 09/12 Los Angeles rally later today!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
President Obama's Latest, Pointless So-Called Health Care "Reform" Diatribe
And, once again, the Dear Leader, well I think he fell flat as the issue is no longer his issue.
Let's take a look at the transcript of the speech.
What jumps out is a line that Dear Leader President Obama has used over and over again:
Well the time for bickering is over.
No, the time is not over for as he puts it "bickering". This is a republic and a representative one. I expect my representatives, whether I vote for them or not, to make their case and try to bring the people along to their way of thinking. Democracy is a messy business. But it is the best way that a nation can and does govern. And that may be "bickering" to the Dear Leader, but because the people are speaking, those we elect may just be listening.
Another interesting aspect of the Dear Leader's pleading to an increasingly skeptical congress and American people is the number of uninsured.
In the speech, the number of 47,000,000 no longer exists. Now it is 30,000,000.
The cynic wonders, where did 17,000,00 people go? Did these people finally get health insurance coverage? Did they die? Or maybe, maybe it is because the mythical 47,000,000 used by the Dear Leader in attempting to ram through so-called health care "reform" includes. . .illegal aliens!
Remember, when the congress was pushing for so-called immigration "reform", the mythical number of illegal aliens was pegged at 12,000,000. Which still leaves 5,000,000 unaccounted for in the new math of the Dear Leader.
Maybe 17,000,000 illegal aliens is the closer number.
Thus, now one can say another mythical number, 30,000,000.
Of course the Dear Leader President Obama used some people as props to build his case for socializing one-sixth of the American economy.
One of the props that he used is a woman named Robin Beaton. Miss Beaton was about to have a mascetomy for breast cancer. Now the Dear Leader President Obama said this in reference to Miss Beaton:
Another woman from Texas was about to get a double mastectomy when her insurance company canceled her policy because she forgot to declare a case of acne.
What the Dear Leader did not mention that can easily be found here is that Miss Beaton did not just have a case of acne, but a rapid heartbeat. And, what the Dear Leader did not mention is that when Miss Beaton was applying for the health insurance, she left off the information, the rapid heartbeat, from the application. Miss Beaton's congressman, Joe Barton, had to eventually intervene to get Miss Beaton's insurance reinstated.
And, for the record, if someone intentionally leaves off important information on an application for insurance, they should not get the coverage. That sounds heartless because of Miss Beaton's condition. But it is not just in reference to her or her condition. It is that applying for health insurance is serious business. Everything in your health history is relevant. It helps to get the best coverage and at best rate.
Now, the area that drew the ire of South Carolina Republican congressman Joe Wilson, was when the Dear Leader President Obama said this:
There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false - the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
At this point, Congressman Wilson could not take it anymore and shouted "You lie!" to the Dear Leader. The Dear Leader actually responded with a "That is not a lie" to Congressman Wilson.
Well, take a look at the 1,000 page plus behemoth. It does lead to eventual coverage for illegal aliens. The Congressional Research Center offers this analysis:
H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.
This information is over at Legal Insurrection. Worth the read.
The Dear Leader President Obama reiterated some of the worn-out rhetoric that he has been saying since so-called health care "reform" became the issue of his presidency.
Did it change any minds? Very, very doubtful. In fact, less and less people want to see or hear him on the subject if the television ratings are any indication.
At the end I find this is the last gasp of a man that has come to realize he is in over his head. That the Dear Leader is flailing when he should be looking at a real compromise if he wants some kind of bipartisan legislation to sign. For all the talk of Republican unity in opposing the so-called health care "reform", it is the majority Democrats, that are not united. It is the Democrats that are giving the Dear Leader heartburn for many are opposing any legislation that includes the public option. And in something of a great surprise, pro-life Democrats are beginning to flex their muscles opposing the legislation on the grounds of government funding for abortions.
I think it is time to end this debacle, the Dear Leader and his allies regroup, Republicans also regroup and offer some alternatives and take it from there.
This umpteenth attempt to sway minds probably has hurt more than helped.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
California Assemblyman DOES Resign
So now it appears that Mr. Duvall is claiming that he did not have an or any affairs. Sure you didn't!
WOW! I guess that now former California Assemblyman Michael Duvall does read Right View From The Left Coast! That may be the reason that the spanker did the "honorable" thing and resigned after bragging of his sexual conquests on the assembly floor. In front of a live microphone.
Where does one begin with this reprobate.
Let's get it out of the way. Mr. Duvall is a Republican. Believe me, that will be well known coast to coast. But, it does not matter in this sense. The man is clearly beyond sleaze.
I mean, the fact that he is carrying on with not just one, but two women at the same time. And they are lobbyists. And, Mr. Duvall is bragging about this to another member on the assembly on the floor during a legislative session.
The immorality is clear. Mr. Duvall is married with children. I am certain that they are proud as a peach in him tonight!
If the morality factor does not get you going, how about bedding down not one but two lobbyists?!
The fact is that Mr. Duvall's votes in regards to the work that the lobbyists were doing will be scrutinized and no doubt there will be investigations if there is even the hint of improper voting.
Unlike the South Carolina groper, Gov. Mark Sanford, Mr. Duvall resigned. And for that he should be thanked.
But the fact is this.
I do not expect our elected officials to be Boy Scouts. Or Girl Scouts. But two things are important.
First, discretion.
There is not reason this reprobate, Mr. Duvall, needed to be a braggart. And while many an elected official have reputations, they do not need to be putting out there so publicly.
Second, not giving into lobbyists. Or sleeping with them. When elected officials realize that they work for us, the citizens, and not the lobbyists and the fat cats, then things will be done differently. I want my representatives to vote their beliefs and conscience. Even if I do not agree with them.
Mr. Duvall was right to resign. Too bad he can not take the whole California legislature with him!
California Assemblyman In A Sex Scandal-Get The Hell Out Now!
Mr. Duval decided to share his sexual encounters with a woman not his wife while a microphone was on. . .in the assembly room! Oh, and Mr. Duval can not just stop at one. No, no, he has had at least two. And with the first one, Mr. Duval shares how he has taken to spanking her.
And yes, Mr. Duval is married with children. At least for now.
I will write this and write it now.
Mr. Duval, please leave! RESIGN AND RESIGN NOW! You sir are a reprobate! You are disgusting and one with no shame!
I will write more on this later.
Here Is What To Expect Tonight From The Dear Leader
Tonight, our Dear Leader, President Obama, will try one more time to hoodwink, er convince, the American people that he has the right prescription to the so-called health care "crisis".
If you do not have time to watch or listen to the Dear Leader's speech to a joint session of congress, take a look at this from Jim Geraghty over at the Campaign Spot.
It is all that you need to know about this last-ditch effort by President Obama to pass any kind of so-called health care "reform" in any way, shape or form.
And yes, take Dr. Geraghty's* advice. Do not turn this into a drinking game. You may get worse than alcohol poisoning. You may end up in an emergency room. And then you will see Obamacare first hand.
*Dr. Geraghty is not a doctor to my knowledge!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Can Jews Be Conservative?
Just the question alone has to send shivers up and down the spines of the left-wing Jewish elite.
But what I want to ask is can Jewish people be conservative?
Of course they can.
But, they need to give up a lot of preconceived notions about themselves and their world view.
Firstly, being a liberal and or a Democrat because your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents were needs to stop. The guilt that a Jewish person has over any given issue must stop and stop now. It is OK and a great thing to be smart. To be great businessmen and women. To be involved in your community. To make things better for the next generation, God willing. But to have this overriding guilt about all of these things makes one neurotic and mindless about something called the real world.
Second, rediscover the faith of Judaism, shed the faith of liberalism.
As I have written, my father, God rest his soul, was Jewish. In religious terms, I would not be because my mother was not. Go figure. But, I always have and always will embrace my cultural Jewish identity. Just as I embrace my Scots heritage and indentity on my mother's side. Never over being an American first and foremost.
But most people that identify themselves as Jewish do so culturally. They have replaced a faith in God with a faith of big government and liberalism. Yes, the father of communism, Karl Marx, was the ultimate self-loathing Jew. This is not to say that being Jewish and liberal makes one a communist. It means that for some, it is not just about big government but total control. If this is the only life we have and nothing to look forward to beyond this one, well we do not need to have a religious morality but a "people's" morality.
Being an observant, religious Jewish person means giving up the thought that we are in total control of the world around us. As a Christian, it is often hard to do, but it makes living with the unexplainable much better than the alternative.
Third, stop being afraid of Christian traditionalists. We who consider ourselves traditionalists are the best friends that Jewish people have now. For all the subjection to the Temple of Liberalism, the contempt of the Jewish people by non-Jewish leftists and liberals is astounding. Yet the cultural Jew tries to make the Christian traditionalist the boogyman. That it is the Christian Coalition, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, et al that is coming after the Jew. Not far behind are the fools in the white hoods-the Ku Klux Klan. Give to the "People For The American Way", or any other liberal Jewish organization and we will protect you.
What garbage!
Yes, by its very nature Christianity is a religion based on converting those to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As the Son of God and given power unimaginable to any human, living or dead. And yes, Christianity has not always been kind to non-Christians. I know the religion haters are going to harp on The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, et al. And I sure do not defend the excesses of the fervor. But, in 2009, the average Jew has less to fear from a well meaning Christian traditionalist than a self-loathing leftist and one who hates having a Jewish background.
Forth, get back to the land.
Overwhelmingly, American Jewish people urban. Period. Most are still ghettoizing themselves in a few large cities on either coast. How many Jewish people do you find in Wyoming? Or anywhere else in the Plains? How about in rural Texas? You get the point.
When the state of Israel came into being in 1948, a agrarian group started Kibbutz. These were communal farming camps. They did everything that the farmer would do for each other. There was no property, per se, and everyone lived in big houses. The one fundamental flaw. No spiritual basis for the Kibbutz movement. It was a socialist model of agriculture that at first seemed to be the way. Again, it failed because the people could not sustain the model without a religious center.
Now, I am not suggesting that American Jews leave the cities and start Kibbutz in Iowa. Just that it would open up a new world to get back to the land. To understand a huge swath of the United States beyond their comfort zone. To be a farmer or a rancher would be something for someone never beyond the cultural walls of New York City or Los Angeles or Miami Beach.
One last thing.
Jewish people need to stop assimilating and marry each other and start having babies. Lots of them.
As Eric Golub at the Tygyrrr Express notes in his book Ideological Bigotry, more than anything else is Jewish people having relations with and marrying non-Jews. And many choose to not have children or have only one. It is a certain way to self-destruction. It is, yes this is harsh, a self-induced Holocaust. It is the slow-death version of Judaism. And that has to stop.
I want to read Mr. Podhoretz's book to get where he is coming from. And I am actually positive about American Jewish people taking a look at conservative ideas, politics and values. It may not happen in my lifetime. But neither will American Blacks be voting Republican by similar 80% margins as they do now. But, it is worth the engagement.
I leave with this quote from the symposium from William Kristol:
But first, read Why Are Jews Liberals? Norman Podhoretz has explained with great insight and elegance how it came about that, in the words of my late uncle Milton Himmelfarb, “Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.” The challenge now is for Jews to live like . . . Jews.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The Resignation Letter Of Van Jones
A couple of highlights that stick out from the letter.
Firstly, this interesting aside:
"I have been inundated with calls - from across the political spectrum - urging me to "stay and fight." '
Ah, hello? Please tell what reputable conservative and or Republican told Mr. Jones to "stay and fight"? If there is one, let me know. All I can write is that I can not see this man being in the halls of government period.
And this is rich, since from all that has been written and even spewed from the mouth of Mr. Jones about the United States:
"It has been a great honor to serve my country."
I am going to assume Mr. Jones does mean the United States.
But the overall letter is one that could not have been written willingly by Mr. Jones. No doubt that if he had his druthers, Mr. Jones would indeed stand and try to keep his position of green "jobs" czar.
And this goes back to why President Obama asked some of the left and looniest to be "czars" and not members of the cabinet. Interesting indeed.