Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Four Reasons The GOP Lost

It is amazing that the 2008 presidential election came down to the economy in a way. I mean, many in the pundit class were priming for Hillary vs Rudy showdown. And, much to their chagrin, it was Barack vs. Johnny Mac.
So, it should not be surprising that the Republican party and its allies are trying to find blame with how they lost this election.
Well, again, it was two things.
A referendum on President Bush and, as noted, the economy.
But, reading the very same people that promised the Hillary/Rudy showdown, there are other reasons.
I will highlight four reasons to add to the two reasons I noted above.
1) Why, it is those darn social conservative/religious voters.
And this is according to the newest member of the Washington elite club, columnist Kathleen Parker.
Today in her Washington Post column, she takes out the double-barrelled shot gun and blasted those pesky so-called values voters.
Here are some choice cliches that Miss Parker takes aim at the values voters:

Three little letters, great big problem: G-O-D.
I, for one, do not think that God is a problem. The problem is when someone closes their mind to God, which Miss Parker must have done.
I'm bathing in holy water as I type.
A totally insulting line that diminishes a potential point that Miss Parker may be trying to make.
To be more specific, the evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP is what ails the erstwhile conservative party and will continue to afflict and marginalize its constituents if reckoning doesn't soon cometh.
I have heard this before, but what I would like to ask people like Miss Parker, et al, is does she really think that if the most energetic group of Republicans are thrown overboard, those youths and young adults would flock to the Republican party? No, they were attracted to President-elect Obama because he had a positive message and was on offense while Sen. John McCain had no cohesive message and was on defense.
And shifting demographics suggest that the Republican Party -- and conservatism with it -- eventually will die out unless religion is returned to the privacy of one's heart where it belongs.
Again, I have heard this bandied about as well and yet if that were to occur, then what else would one have to keep private? Miss Parker seems to forget that the United States constitution guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Thus, all those who practice their religion should be able to do so freely. That goes for evangelical Christians, traditionalist Roman Catholics and mainline protestants and Orthodox Jews.

So, according to Mrs. Parker, the Republicans would be better off without it's strongest voting bloc.
But, there is the following from this blogger's dear friend, the former Republican governor of Arkansas, the Rev. Mike Huckabee.
2) Why, let the Rev. Mike continue his pile-on against former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. And, when that is not enough, he pretty much goes after Fred Thompson, Sen. John McCain and fellow evangelical Gov. Sarah Palin.
The main problem with the Rev. Mike is that he is an very bitter and small man. And, an ordained minister. A bad combo.
But, the Rev. Mike is promoting his book, "Do The Right Thing" and he uses the book to do the wrong thing.
And that is the continuing demonizing of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And, Mitt Romney. The Rev. Mike uses the book to whine about not getting a phone call of congratulations from Mr. Romney after the Rev. Mike won the Iowa caucus. Of course, before that the Rev. Mike had a rather offensive "Christmas television ad" with a floating cross. And in an interview with the New York Times magazine, the Rev. Mike asks an ignorant question about a Mormon belief that God and Satan were brothers. Nice. And he expects Mr. Romney to grovel at him? I guess so.
And now, the Rev. Mike is resentful of Gov. Palin being chosen by Sen. McCain to be the GOP vice-presidential nominee.
News flash Rev. Mike. If you thought that sucking up to Sen. McCain while knocking off Mr. Romney was your ticket to the VP slot, you got taken. You were never on the McCain radar. Period.
What the Rev. Mike is doing is giving all the ammo that ingrates like Kathleen Parker need to demonize the Republican party. If he really believes in doing the right thing, he needs to get over the hate against Mr. Romney and learn some economics from the former Massachusetts governor.
3) So-called Republican congressmen like this imbecile who has no idea that he was voted out of office. And probably wonders why.
Joe Knollenberg is a recently defeated congressman from Michigan and he is trying to explain why the three American auto makers deserve any help from the American people.
But, according to this guy, it is not the American people, i.e. the taxpayers, but congress that is helping out. Because after all, it is congress' money, not the American people's money.
What is the difference between soon to be ex-congressman Knollenberg and President-elect Obama on "spreading the wealth"? Nothing.
Again, when a moderate Republican is pitted against a Democrat, people vote for the Democrat because they know what they are getting with the Democrat. Screwed.
4) Lastly, it is all the groups of the conservative coalition saying they are important at the expense of the other.
Get a clue.
As I say, I am a conservative. Not a social conservative. Not a fiscal conservative. Not a national security-foreign policy conservative. A conservative period.
Until we get that through our heads, we will not go out and talk to the American people and regain their trust.
These are some highlight reasons, but there are probably many more.
We need to stop shooting each other.
The common enemy, if you will, is the Democrat party. Liberals. President-elect Obama.
If we focus on that, we can learn a lot from the three branches of the conservative movement.
Until then, I guess some people and groups just have to vent. At the expense of serious examination.


Rightwingsnarkle said...

the United States constitution guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

You have it backwards. The text reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

So, yeah, being free FROM religion preceeds the freedom to exercise religious beliefs.

When you look at the commentary, you'll find that current interpretion is based on a case in which "the Court, without dissent on this point, declared that the Establishment Clause forbids not only practices that ''aid one religion'' or ''prefer one religion over another,'' but as well those that ''aid all religions.''

So, yeah, you got it backwards.

Thus, all those who practice their religion should be able to do so freely. That goes for evangelical Christians, traditionalist Roman Catholics and mainline protestants and Orthodox Jews.

That's a pretty short list.

Did you leave off religions like Islam, Hinuism, Budhism, Taoism, Paganism, Satanism, and too many others for me to count, because people are not free to practice those?

I'm curious to know.

You also never answered my question in an earlier post about which issues 'conservatives' do agre on.

Righty64 said...

Firstly, Mr. Snarkle, the point that I was making was that people who practice traditional Christianity are being marginalized. That is why I only mentioned certain groups. Here is a shock for you. Yes, I do support non-Christians practicing their religion, freely. And as far as the issues that conservatives have agreed on is the size and proper role of government. Overwhelmingly, conservatives believe that government at all levels is too big and intrusive in all aspects of our lives. Period.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

people who practice traditional Christianity are being marginalized

You're kidding, right?

Are white people also at risk?

That's ridiculous, though wingnuts sure do love playing the victim card. And the whining's just gonna get worse.

conservatives believe that government at all levels is too big and intrusive in all aspects of our lives

Like how?

Getting in the middle of health decisions, like with Michael and Teri Schiavo?

Sweeping electronic surveillance without court approval?

Defining the terms of the relationship between two people who love each other, based on their gender?

Where do you think government is too big and too intrusive?

Pat Jenkins said...

64 i am not mistaken in the belief parker is republican? i welcome being the minority party if it means getting rid of the republican "liberal" right, like herself, that has come out of the woodwork thanks to mccain's noination!!!

Nikki said...

Nice job righty...I can't stand Huckabee for obvious reasons. He showed up in Salt Lake in 1996 to pounce on the Mormons and to teach us the error of our ways. He gave a speech at the Salt Palace Convention Center and then had the nerve to deny knowing anything about the "Mormon Church". What a putz. Great read! :)N