Sunday, May 10, 2009

When Will Hawai'i Celebrate Christian Day?


It appears that according to a judge in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is A-OK for a husband to slap the missus around if she spends more than she should shopping.
Well, two thoughts.
First, better not let this be known here. You know, that in Islam, there are judges that believe that slapping a wife for overspending is OK. If that caught on here, wow!
Second, one wonders if this development is making the Hawai'i legislature think a second time about the little Islam Day that they want the state to celebrate.

In more of the theatre of the absurd, the Hawai'i senate passed a resolution calling for September 24, 2009 as, drum roll please. . .ISLAM DAY!
A day to celebrate the "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
Oh, I'm sorry. I think that one of those noble contributions might include the Taliban government in Afghanistan blowing up Buddhist statues that dated from the 1,700 years before their destruction in 2001. Oh, but one does not have go back that far to see the wrath of the "religion of peace".
If that is not enough, how about Islam's "contribution" to women's rights? I suppose servitude is one of those contributions made to the world. Like this photo below of two women who still feel that they have to wear a burka.

Can someone explain this as a wonderful contribution to society?
No, I can not either.
Now, I would not have a problem with this but I believe that this is nothing more than political correctness run amok.
Where is the celebration of Christian Day? Jewish Day? Buddhist Day? Hindu Day?
Also, is there not a separation of church and state? I mean, the same people would more than likely argue that to celebrate a day as Christian Day would offend, well Islamics.
I think that this day should be vetoed by Gov. Linda Lingle.
And while she is at it, maybe tell the Hawai'i legislature to do some work rather than engage in kowtowing to Islam in an attempt of "tolerance."

HT: Karl @

1 comment:

DoorHold said...

Throughout history Islam has contributed much to society, but it's been a while since they've offered anything beneficial to mankind. A long, LONG while. How that deserves "a day" is beyond me. Keep your enemies close, maybe?

Scientology day, anyone?

Do Constitutional protections apply to State governments? I thought they were designed to prevent the Federal government from trampling our Rights.

Do you honestly believe there are no holidays based solely on the Christian faith? And haven't Christians also been blessed with a violent history? I'm not comparing the two, obviously at this point in time Christians are no threat to civilization as we know it, but they're not all Saints, either.

At any rate, it smacks of kissing up in a doomed attempt to "make peace" with Islam. At least someone can say, "Hey, WE GAVE YOU YOUR OWN DAY" when something goes wrong.