Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jeb Bush Endoreses Mario Rubio! Too Bad It Is Jeb Bush, JR!

At least a member of the Bush family is on board the Marco Rubio bandwagon.
The son of former governor Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush, Jr. has endorsed Mr. Rubio's candidacy for the senate seat being vacated by Mel Martinez.
And, proving the theory that broken clocks are right at least twice a day, former Republican presidential candidate, the Rev. Mike Huckabee is endorsing Mr. Rubio.
It is time for Gov. Sarah Palin to jump on the Rubio bandwagon.
Now, before anyone gets upset that I highlight this posting by The Other McCain on the endless rumors of Gov. Charlie Christ, the establishment choice, being a closeted homosexual, I point this out because if this is being discussed on the right, imagine the dagger the left will use on this.
Please, go to the Marco Rubio link and see what a real conservative candidate will do to anyone the Democrats bring on. Imagine Gov. Christ denying that he is gay under the DDBMSOWM microscope.
Jeb Bush, Jr. gets it. Maybe the old man gets it but wants to stay out of a primary fight. But, we need to stand by a real conservative. Time to back Marco Rubio for senate.


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Nah, Rubio's not nearly crazy enough. If you're gonna go wingnut, don't be half-assed about.

Go full insane wingnut. Support Bob Smith.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Mr. Rubio can help us take back America. I love real conservatives like him! Thanks for your work. Let's bring common sense and prosperity back to America.