Thursday, May 07, 2009

This Could Not Have Happened To A Nicer Guy

Get this.
Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pennsylvania) has now been put to the back of the bus by his new comrades as he has lost his seniority on several key committees.
Supposedly, Sen. Dr. Specter was assured by his new comrades that he would not lose his seniority on committees.
Could not have happened to a nicer guy!


The former Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain told radio talker Hugh Hewitt that he would like to see former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge run for the senate seat now occupied by Sen. Dr. Specter.
If anyone thinks that Mr. Ridge is the answer, a look back at his career in the House should remind those why Mr. Ridge is a terrible choice and one that the elites want, not the rank and file.
And Sen. "F--- You" McCain wonders why he lost to Sen. Messiah Barack in the first place.


It appears that Mr. Ridge is NOT going to take a shot at the senate seat of Sen. Dr. Specter. That is truly great news. I wonder how Sen. "F--- You" McCain feels about having to support Pat Toomey?!

HT: Right Wing Snarkle


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Tom Ridge must be raking in too much cash with his 'consulting' scam, 'cuz he's declined to run.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

All but the most insane repubs will run away from Toomey like he was a leper.

Toomey has about as much of a chance of becoming a U.S. Senator as that wingnut in Arizona who's challenging Mad Jack.

Which is to say - absolutely no chance at all.

Nikki said...

I was always told that it was a bad idea to make friends with snakes. I listen to my mama...:)N