Friday, May 18, 2007

Thoughts On The Immigration Reform Bill Scam

Now that we have had about roughly 24 hours to digest this "comprehensive immigration reform" bill scam, here are some thoughts.
Firstly, President Bush has wanted this legislation since he first ran for president in 1999. He talked endlessly about the need for immigration reform, always with an eye on having an amnesty but under another name and a guest worker program.
Taking the guest worker program first, why? Do we really have a shortage of American workers or is it that we have a shortage of cheap labor? Of course there is a shortage of cheap labor. We have been told that unless we have Mexicans come over from south of the border to pick the crops, we will be paying $5 for a head of lettuce. How do we know that? Have Americans ever gotten a job picking crops and been paid the low-wages that a Mexican, more than likely, illegal aliens? Of course not. But, if no one was here to do those jobs, of course Americans will flock and have to be paid at the very least decent wages.
Secondly, why do we think that 12 million, and we know it is so much more, will flock to come either here as citizens or as guest workers? The illegal aliens and their enablers like things the way they are. The cheap labor comes here illegally and the enablers pay cheap wages. The illegals go back and forth to Mexico, either send money or take money there. Quite a bit of the Mexican economy depends on the money the illegal and even legal citizens send back to Mexico.
Why is the United States giving Mexico a pass in trying to legalize these people so fast?
Mexican president Felipe Calderon has said that it is necessary for the United States to do something about illegal immigration. Hello?! How about YOU doing something Presidente Calderon about your corrupt, psudeosocialist, bankrupt economy that forces people to come here out of sheer desperation? In all of this, I have not heard President Bush put any pressure on Presidente Calderon to make substantial changes in Mexico. Presidente Calderon, as his predecessor Victente Fox basically want to dump as many people into the United States and anywhere else so they do have to deal with them. Presidente Calderon, your not wanting to make the kind of changes that will take Mexico out of the third world and an equal with the United States and Canada is the problem.
As I pointed out yesterday, what is so grievous about this proposed bill is the lack of security, which is the most important issue for me. It cuts the fence from 854 miles to 350, if that. There are no real safeguards. Also, to those that say a fence will not be effective, that is a falsehood of the first order. According to congressman Duncan Hunter (R-Calif) the fence that has been built on the San Diego-Tijuana border has kept many from using that point of entry. The problem is that with out more fence, people will just find another way or area to sneak in. More fencing means less easy access. That is the point! To follow the left's illogic, it is a wall to keep people out and it is like the Berlin wall of the communist European era. Hello again! The Berlin Wall was built by communist East Germany to keep people from escaping a totalitarian, communist state that East Germany was. The fence is like any fence built, to keep people out who do not belong in an area or home.
Politically, it is a moronic deal for Republicans of any stripe to support. Because when they took control of congress in 1994 and did not repeal the so-called "Motor Voter" act that just made it easier for people to register to vote that have no business voting in the first place, do they really think that when all these people become "regularized" are going to flock to the GOP? If the GOP does not offer the goodies that the Democrats will, forget it. The congress had a wonderful opportunity to revoke the "Motor Voter" act when they had control of congress and the White House, but they did not.
On this, Karl Rove is not the magician but the schmuck.
All I can say is that, as I have been doing, send your congressman and senators e-mails and call to let them know to stop this bill now and start over. It was done in a lousy, back door way and without any input from the senate and house and unless they are involved in any final product that may make the major adjustments needed possible. Go to National Review and look for all contacts to the members of the house and senate.
As I wrote yesterday, we need to stop this bill because it is not even a 50% kind of bill Republicans and rational Democrats can not support.

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