Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan Thrown To The Wolves

It is with some pleasure that I read that anti-war loon Cindy Sheehan has decided her welcome mat has been pulled out from under her and called it quits as an anti-war advocate. But, where there is some sadness is that it is a case study as when a person such as herself decided to criticize some of her most ardent backers, the anti-war Democrats, they turned on her and threw her to the wolves.
It is what the left does. They take advantage of a clearly grieving mother who's son, Casey Sheehan, had been killed in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Terror. In her grief, she became an ardent critic of the war in the Iraq theatre and a rallying point for those who have been against it from the beginning. But, as she became the rallying point she also went off the deep end and started to pontificate on issues that had nothing to do with the war in the Iraq theatre and also bought into some of the wild conspiracy theories about the terror attacks of 9/11. She wrote a lot on her blog and some of her commentary was way out there.
So, she realized that the Democrats were really craven on the issue of the Iraq theatre. Many ran against the war, won their elections, and then when push came to shove, they played a dance of political kabuki theatre. The Democrats had a perfect opportunity of putting their money where their mouths were and cut off all funding for the Iraq theatre and the troops would have to come home. But, in their kabuki dance, they in the end gave President Bush what he wanted and no timeline to pull the troops out of Iraq.
Mrs. Sheehan became as much of a critic of the Democrats and with rightful indignation. They essentially went back on their selling point to win back control of congress-stopping the war in the Iraq theatre. But, alas, this put a crimp in the Democrat plans to take the White House and keep control of congress. So their allies began a campaign against Mrs. Sheehan and she saw the writing on the wall. She gave up.
Mrs. Sheehan is going to sell the so-called "peace house" in Crawford, Texas near the Western White House. She is going home to put back the pieces of her life and try to have a relationship with her surviving children and maybe put back her marriage. And all for what did she do this sacrifice? The people who heaped adulation on her in the end turned on her. She may have loony ideas, but she is not a masochist.
Here is the lesson . The left likes people for their cause as long as they play their game. When they stop or realize that they are being taken for a ride, they are chewed up and spit out like cheap chaw. There is no room for honest disagreement, as I believe that Mrs. Sheehan had. When they are on the road to power, they can not have a nail in the road to hit that tire. And that nail was, Mrs. Sheehan.
So, now she will try to put her life back together and for that I hope she will. And I hope she has learned a lesson about her "friends."


Incognito said...

I think the fundamental problem was that she was too left for the left. And they, rightfully so, abandoned her because she was going to be a detriment to the party.

I also think casey got lost in the shuffle... I think she became intoxicated with 'fame' and it was no longer about him. She became englamored with her position as the 'face' of the anti-war movement, but what probably did her in was cavorting with the likes of Chavez.

Righty64 said...

Very good points, Incognito. But, at the end of the story, it is a classic study in how the left wing abuses the people they claim to care so much about. They really could care less about Casey Sheehan for he was the catalyst in mom Cindy going completely unglued to be so against the war in Iraq that she did all that she did. The only reason it went on as long as it did for the left is she expressed how much she hated George W. Bush. Once she called the cowardly Democrats on the carpet, she was done. At the end, Casey Sheehan did get lost and I for one honor the sacrifice he paid for my freedom-and Cindy Sheehan's as well