The above says it all.
Sen. John "F--- You" McCain once again earned his status as the original maverick when he defied the odds and asked the very popular Alaska governor, Sarah Palin, to be his running mate.
There is sooooo much to write about this historic moment in the history of the Republican party and the United States. It may take a couple of posts.
But, I was mildly disappointed last night when retiring for the evening and it seemed that Mitt Romney was not going to be Sen. "F--- You" McCain's choice for the vice-presidential nod.
When I awoke this morning and heard that it was going to be Gov. Palin, I nearly dropped my breakfast! I could not believe that Sen. "F--- You" McCain would finally send a big "F--- You" to the Democrats by not only naming the first woman to be on a Republican ticket. But she is not a St. Hillary clone. Gov. Palin is her own woman and did not get where she is on the back of a husband who was president.
What makes this choice very special to me is not just that she is very much pro-life. She talks the talk and walks the walk.
When she was pregnant with her and husband, Todd's, fifth child, she was told that he would be born with Down Syndrome. Gov. Palin could have ended the pregnancy right then and there but chose not to. Gov. Palin chose life and brought now four-month old Trig Palin into the world. It had to be the most difficult decision in her and her husband's life. And, without a doubt it was not made lightly.
On the serious issues of the day, Gov. Palin ran as and has governed as a conservative reformer.
Gov. Palin killed the infamous "bridge to nowhere" that all but ended the Republican 12 year hold on the House of Representatives. Gov. Palin has cut wasteful government spending. Some of what she has done is symbolic, but it is very important symbolism.
What Gov. Palin brings is a conservative future for the Republican party. Not a grumpy one but a lot like another Republican maverick-Ronald Reagan.
Yea, I know. A lot of people do not realize today but Mr. Reagan when he first ran for governor of California in 1966 was a lot like Sen. "F--- You" McCain. Going against the moderate-liberal wing that had dominated the party since the middle of the FDR years, Mr. Reagan not only won the Republican nomination but crushed a grand ol' tax and spend Dem, Gov. Pat Brown. By a million votes.
Yea, I know. A lot of people do not realize today but Mr. Reagan when he first ran for governor of California in 1966 was a lot like Sen. "F--- You" McCain. Going against the moderate-liberal wing that had dominated the party since the middle of the FDR years, Mr. Reagan not only won the Republican nomination but crushed a grand ol' tax and spend Dem, Gov. Pat Brown. By a million votes.
With Gov. Palin, and a McCain/Palin victory, she will be the future of the Republican party. And, that is what in part provoked the original maverick into surprising us all one more time.
The photo says it all. "Uhhh" "Change".
Photo HT: Rush Limbaugh @ www.rushlimbaugh.com
Why is everyone so surprised by this pick? She's always been on the list. She's a good choice of course, but it shouldn't have surprised anyone.
I did find some irony in the fact that the man who fancies himself the reincarnation of Teddy Roosevelt picked a running mate who hunts moose...
So, you're most pleased when you think that someone running for office is giving everybody the finger?
You like that in the guy?
And you were such an ardent Romney booster up until about 36 hours ago.
Can't say I'm surprised - wingnuts don't think things through, they just react on the basis of emotion.
And they always fall in line, and do what they're told.
Enjoy Miss Alaska while you can, because she's got a shorter shelf life than Fred Thompson.
To be honest, the surprise for me, Kevin, is that he had the testicles to do it! I am glad he did. I wanted Mitt Romney, but this is even better. She is our generation and it shows that on this, Sen. "F--- You" McCain knows the future of conservatism and the Republican party. BTW, rightwingsnarkle, yes I do like it when the middle finger is stuck in the eye of the establishment. And yes, I still am a Romney supporter. I know that you enjoy throwing the insults since you are such a "thinker". I mean, did you like the Nazi-like rally for Sen. Messiah Barack? Did you like the fireworks for extra show? Oh, since you are big on facts, GOV. Palin was RUNNER-UP for Miss Alaska.
Sarah Palin : Vice President :: Harriet Meirs : Supreme Court
I wish I could have your faith in McCain. I still believe he's the wrong person to be the nominee for and leader of the GOP.
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