Friday, August 22, 2008

Finally, It's Biden!

After a very long time coming, seemingly an eternity, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, Sen. Messiah Barack has made a rather conventional choice to be his running mate.

And that is Delaware Democrat senator, Blowhard Joe Biden

Not exactly a choice of the hope and change that we have been promised from the Chosen One.

Sen. Blowhard Biden has been in the senate since 1972. He has an American Conservative Union lifetime rating of 13%. Not bad for a 35-year liberal. Last year, the Americans For Democratic Action rated Sen. Blowhard Biden a solid 75%. Not as far to the left as Sen. Messiah Barack, which I guess makes him pretty clean, moderate fellow.

That is in reference to Sen. Blowhard Biden's reference to Sen. Messiah Barack as a serious, black American running for president:

I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Beautiful! Had any Republican said what Sen. Blowhard Biden did, well, you know what would have happened.

There is a treasure trove of this kind of stuff from Sen. Blowhard Biden.

But, what this decision shows is that in the end, the Chosen One is not much more than a garden variety politician that made a pretty dull choice for his running mate. Had the Chosen One really been all about hope and change, yada, yada, yada, he would have chosen the Virginia Democrat governor, Tim Kaine.

However, now that people are beginning to pay attention to this race, many are coming to realize that the Chosen One does not sound like he really knows what is going on without a teleprompter. Without the teleprompter, he make inane comparisons between the United States and Red China.

So, on foreign policy, Sen. Blowhard Biden is better than any of the other also rans.

But this is a disaster for a candidate who claims to be an outsider. One who has not been polluted by the inside-the-beltway deal cutting. One does not stay in the senate for 35 years without cutting at least a deal or two.

So, there we have it. The Democrat team is Sen. Messiah Barack H. Obama, senator from Illinois. And vice-president, Sen. Blowhard Joe Biden from Delaware.

Now, there is change we can believe in!

1 comment:

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Don't forget, you heard it from me days ago:

Obama's choice? If I was betting money, I'd bet on Hillary to win, Gephardt to place, and Joe Biden to show.

I think that means I win something, doesn't it?