Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Eternal Justice

This has to fall under the Eternal Justice catagory
I agree with the blog's analysis that a fire at the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, the home of the "Rev." Fred Phelps and his inbred congregation-almost all family members, could not have happened to a better group of people.
If you are not familiar with the "Rev." Phelps and his merry band of cretins, these are the people so obsessed with America's decline into rampant homosexuality that they protest at the funerals of soldiers of the United States who have died in the War Against Islamofacist Terror. And, they protested at the funeral of Matthew Sheppard who was the University of Wyoming student killed by two men because he was supposedly making a pass at them. You get the picture.
While many Christians have different views on homosexuality and its relation to the Holy Bible, this creep, "Rev" Phelps has a perverse way of expressing his view.
Fortunately, no one was injured or killed.
But, I think that God was telling these people something. It is for them to figure out, if they can.

HT: Wizbang @


Anonymous said...

"... I think that God was telling these people something. It is for them to figure out, if they can."

What they'll figure out is: The Lord is telling them they aren't doing ENOUGH to harass other human beings. I'm tellin' ya, they're gonna believe this is a "sign" that they too should use violence, as The Lord has used violence against them for being "too weak."

Kevin said...

I'm afraid you're right, Doorhold. These are not rational people.