Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is Joe Scarborough FINALLY Tired Of MSNBC Bias?

Ahh, the irony!

MSNBC has decided that the only way it can finally break through the cable news haze dominated by the Fox News Channel is to become even more left-wing than much of the DDBMSOWM dares to be. Why else would this network put up with the worst sports reporter ever, Keith Olberman?

Anyway, it appears that one of the two token conservatives on the network, Joe Scarborough, has had enough and called out one of his colleagues, MSNBC hack, er reporter, David Shuster.

This little treat from Newsbusters shows that Mr. Shuster just came out and commented that Mr. Scarborough's "party", i.e. the Republican party mocks calls for a set timetable to withdraw combat troops from the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofacist Terror.

Mr. Scarborough had enough and called Mr. Shuster on the table about what political party he belonged to.

It was so right on. Mr. Shuster mocked that he was an "independent" and then Mr. Scarborough went on a rant about how everyone at his network were "independent"-you know in the wink-wink kind of way.

The problem that MSNBC and CNN have is that they do not realize why Fox News Channel is successful.

It is because they do not have token conservatives and or Republicans. They are right there, in the face of liberals and Democrats. The network strives at presenting both sides of a story. And it will attack stories that the other two cable news networks will not. Nor will their over-the-air brethren, ABC, CBS or NBC. And, for that reason Fox News Channel is some front for the Republican party. PLEASE!

MSNBC really thinks that Pat Buchanan is the mainstream of conservatism and or the Republican party. That is who they put up. As well as the former congressman, Mr. Scarborough. Now, his criticisms of the GOP are much more in the sense that they had strayed from conservative principles. Not that they should go to some conservative stone-age that Mr. Buchanan would like to see.

And CNN? Well, they are a refugee center for out-of-work Clintonistas like James Carville and Paul Begala. Enough said.

Maybe Mr. Scarborough will see the light and leave the abysmally left-wing network and let them go completely in the tank for the left and the Democrat party. At this point, he already a dead salmon that has swam upstream staying on that network.

I am glad that Mr. Scarborough had the courage to call out the smug Mr. Shuster. Tag team in a WWE grudge match, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Great Blog I'm in full agreement

Pat Jenkins said...

i think joe though a republican has shown to be quite open in his criticisms of the right 64. and for msnbc to have their on air staff call him out, (like olberman as well did) like you said, leaves this channel as nothing but a hack news organization. the only solace we have is nobody watches it....

Nikki said...

I watched this and it was amazing...Joe was unhinged and I have to say I was afraid he was gonna pop the girl next to him and I think she thought so too. MSNBC sucks so bad even though he was out of control, I think they are a worthless network. Someone else should pick him up. :)N