Sunday, August 31, 2008

Interesting How Palin And Obama Won Elections

My blogging friends at Gay Patriot show in an interesting way that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Barack Obama got to where they are in their respected elections.
As noted, Sen. Obama was busy knocking people off the ballot in his very first race for the Illinois senate seat that he won in 1996. In the same year, Mrs. Palin had already been a two-term member of the Wasilla city council. She took on a incumbent mayor and won.
Jump ahead to 2004 for Sen. Obama. Somehow, the Chicago Tribune found it rather important to force the sealed divorce records of Republican candidate Jack Ryan. And a judge agreed that the records should be unsealed. And we know that Mr. Ryan was into some bizarre stuff and the former Mrs. Ryan, actress Jeri Ryan, was not. Then a desperate Illinois Republican party turned to Alan Keyes and he turned out to be, well, beyond not ready for prime time. Sen. Obama won in a rout.
In 2006, Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast and I were in Alaska and saw all these Palin for governor signs. I knew that then the current governor, Frank Murkowski was in real political trouble. And this upstart not only beat him in a three-way race, but went on to beat the very popular former Democrat governor, Tony Knowles, in a really bad election year for Republicans.
Bottom line, on that alone Gov. Palin shows that she is tough and ready to take on any and all comers. Sen. Obama is one who weasels and finds ways to knock off opponents more or less on what we used to call dirty tricks.
And, once again for all those who think that all the criticism against Sen. Obama is on experience only. It is judgement and ideology. And, he is wrong on both. Gov. Palin is right on both.

HT: Gay Patriot West @


Rightwingsnarkle said...

I dunno, man.

You say Miss Alaska is "right on ideology and and judgement," but how do you square that view with this one:

"Mrs. Palin is not even supposed to be the head of her own household (Eph. 5:22ff; Col. 3:18; Titus 2:5; 1 Peter 3:1-7), let alone the State of Alaska, or the United States Senate (The VP oversees the Senate). He should be shepherding her, but instead she is ruling over him (Rom 13:1-7; 1Pet 2:13-17). How difficult it must be for him to walk the fine line of bowing to the culture that is stealing his bride while still trying to love his wife and lead his family.


In an effort to win the pro-family political argument, we are sacrificing the pro-family biblical argument. In essence, the message being sent to women by conservative Christians backing McCain/Palin is, “It’s ok to sacrifice your family on the altar of your career; just don’t have an abortion.” How pro-family is that?"

It sounds to me like Palin's judgement, and McCain's and yours could put all of you in some pretty hot water with the big guy upstairs, if you know what I mean.

Or maybe that's not important to you?

Righty64 said...

I think you may have a man-crush on me! But seriously, I thought that you READ this blog, but once again, you show that you do not. GOV. Palin was NOT Miss Alaska. She WAS Miss Wasilla! Hmm, always a modernist to take the Holy Bible out of context to make political hay! I am quite certain that when it comes to critical HOUSEHOLD decisions, Mrs. Palin will defer to her husband. I know that you and your trolls on the other side are really scared when you start quoting the Holy Bible to try to make a very unserious case against GOV. Palin. Also, does it not bother you that YOUR candidate can not seem to win elections the way that GOV. Palin did? You do not address that in your comment!

Pat Jenkins said...

may the best man, or woman, win!!!

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Man crush? What can I say - I jus' loves me some wingnut craziness.

I think your views and opinions as expressed in this blog are pretty whack, but you haven't been overtly hostile. That's nice.

As for your other questions - I think Obama won his elections by getting more votes than the other candidate(s). That's usually how it works.

And he successfully challenged the validity of signatures on other candidates' filing petitions.

So, you're not in support of clean and honest elections?

I'm shocked.

As for the scripture quotes, I'm personally not big on the whole book of Hebrew mythology / Jesus-is-magic worldview. I just wondered how, as someone who features that stuff at the top of his blog, you felt about a fellow fundie's take on the whole thing.

In other words, that was a quote, with a link, from a blog that takes christianism very, very seriously.

Those aren't my opinions. I'm not nuts.

Frankly, my goal in life was to find a woman who'd support me in the style to which I had grown accustomed.

As some idiot once said, Mission Accomplished!

Finally, I mentioned you in my own latest post. Rat cheer!

Righty64 said...

Buggs?! Cute! BTW, I am a Christian and it may shock you but I belong to the Epispcopal Church. Yes, I really do. I consider myself an evangelical, not a fundamentalist. Stay with me. Most evangelicals are not fundamentalists. Some fundamentalists are evangelical. Many DO pervert the Holy Bible. And that is on all sides, traditionalist and modernist. I went to the link and found it way off base. But, as I wrote, I think that what is done in the HOME is what the passages mean. And, the New Testament did away with some of the Old Testament laws of Leviticus. Anyway, I know that I will have ya voting for McCain/Palin when the election comes. I just know it! And, I am glad that you come and read my blog. Been to yours. It is, well interesting.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

I consider myself an evangelical, not a fundamentalist. Stay with me. Most evangelicals are not fundamentalists. Some fundamentalists are evangelical.

I can never keep this stuff straight. It's like knowing the difference between Ben and Jerry's Mocha Almond Chunk Fudge Ripple and their Chocolate Fudge Ripple with Mocha-covered Almonds.

The difference being, though, that I'll actually eat the Ben and Jerry's.

As for my vote - my first ever political contribution was $25 to McP.O.W. in 2000, and I changed from 'unaffiliated' to repub for all of the 2 minutes it took me to vote for him in my state's primary - largely just to vote against that dry drunk from Texas.

My guy had already taken care of his business with Mr. Bradley.

I'll rue the day I sent Mad Jack the 25 bucks until I die, but the upside is that his folks have spent several times that amount chasing me for another donation that they'll never, ever see.

So, I guess, it's a net win.