Monday, October 29, 2007

Interesting Observations From Accross The Pond

The London Daily Telegraph is running a series on the top 100 conservatives and liberals in the United States.
The series starts from 81-100, working its way down to the number one conservative in the United States.
So far, some surprises.
For instance, Henry Kissinger comes in at number 95. The fact that Mr. Kissinger made a 100 top conservative list is amazing in and of itself. But, then again in Britain, Mr. Kissinger may pass as a conservative.
Also on the list is talker Bill O'Reilly at number 82. Mr. O'Reilly never calls himself a conservative. But that does not mean that he is not a conservative. Most of his views are clearly right of center, even if he does not say so.
Political guru Michael Barrone comes in at 87. Again, I would not say that Mr. Barrone is necessarily a conservative, but certainly leans right.
Author Ann Coulter is in at number 84 and that is way too low for her influence among conservatives. Miss Coulter should be in the top 50 at least.
Go to The Telegraph for yourself for the next several days as I will and see if you think as The Telegraph does. So far, that is mixed bag. We shall see.

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