Saturday, December 08, 2007

More Of The Rev. Mike's Bad Past

The Rev. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, is rising in the polls. Allegedly. And with that rise perpetuated by a DDBMSM trying to find a beatable Republican for St. Hilary or Barack the Destroyer, we are coming to find some rather bizarre aspects about the former Southern Baptist preacher.
According to this gem on the Drudge Report, the Rev. Huckabee answered a 200 question questionnaire when he was running for the United States senate against Sen. Dale Bumpers.
The Rev. Huckabee said that AIDS patients should be quarantined from the general public, wanted little if any federal funding to find a vaccine and or cure for AIDS and that homosexual behavior was the primary reason for the spread of AIDS. And he also called for Hollywood celebrities to dig deep in their wallets if they wanted to find a cure.
Now, before one says all of that is true, the problem is that the Rev. Huckabee sounds a lot like the Lyndon Larouche crowd and that is not good.
The problem with the quarantine that the Rev. Huckabee supported is that by 1992 when he was running for the senate is that by then it was known that AIDS was not spread by casual contact but by bad sexual behavior, a valid point.
Also, now as a candidate for president, the Rev. Huckabee he says that it was OK for the United States supreme court to strike down anti-sodomy laws and that he does not have a problem with what adults do in their own bedrooms. And the Rev. Huckabee says that if he is elected president, he will lead a public-private partnership to find a realistic cure for HIV-AIDS.
In 1992, in the same questionnaire, the Rev. Huckabee said the following:
"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk."
And the anti-Mitt Romney crowd calls him a flip-flopper!
And in today's Los Angeles Times comes this about the over reaching of then Gov. Huckabee in seeking the parole of rapist Wayne DuMond.
Mr. DuMond claimed to be born again and saved and became a Christian while in prison serving a life plus 20 year sentence for the kidnap and rape of a high school cheerleader who it turned out was a distant cousin of then Gov. Bill Clinton. A lot of Christians took interest in this case and put pressure on by that time then Gov. Huckabee to either commute Mr. DuMond's sentence or get the Arkansas parole board to set him free.
So, Gov. Huckabee went so far as to write a "Dear Wayne" letter to Mr. DuMond telling him of his desire to see him released from prison by parole. And the governor was worked over by Mr. DuMond's "spiritual director", another pastor, the Rev. Jay D. Cole.
Gov. Huckabee had a closed door meeting with the parole board and exerted enough pressure that the board voted 4-1 to grant Mr. DuMond parole-and shipped him off to Missouri, one of the few states that would take in Mr. DuMond.
When Mr. DuMond was finally released in 1999, he went to Missouri and in less than a year, he went from kidnapper and rapist to rapist and murderer. So much for finding Jesus in prison.
This reminds me of the flack that then Gov. George W. Bush, a fellow evangelical as his the Rev. Huckabee, when while running for president in 2000, he had another case of a prisoner finding Jesus in prison.
Her name was Karla Faye Tucker, convicted murderer, who was on the infamous death row in Huntsville, Texas.
Gov. Bush had immense pressure to commute Miss Tucker's sentence to life in prison. Even Pope John Paul II got into the act. Then Gov. Bush was accused of mocking her television appearances in which she pleaded for mercy. Too bad Gov. Bush never did mock Miss Tucker, as it is one those left-wing lies that become truth. Gov. Bush did not commute the sentence and Miss Tucker was rightfully executed.
Why is all of this important?
Because it goes to the heart of the Rev. Huckabee. He is really no different from any other politician. While Mitt Romney is raked over the coals for changing some positions, the Rev. Huckabee goes from damning homosexuals to hell to what they do is their business. And that he is easily taken in by a jailbird with a compelling story that he found Jesus while in prison.
It also is troubling that when the National Intelligence Estimate report came our earlier this week regarding Iran's nuclear capabilities, Rev. Huckabee had no idea what reporters were talking about and blamed the staff for not keeping him informed. HUH? Does the man not listen to radio, watch television or read a newspaper?
Now is not the time to look at a lacking political hack to lead the United States in the next four and or eight years. We already had that in the Rev. Huckabee's predecessor, former President Clinton.
Now we need a leader who understands the threat and blood lust of the radical Islamists and is not afraid to take it on. We need a leader who is not going to put the United States on a diet. We need a leader that will fight to change the tax code that makes sense. We need a leader to bring as many together as possible, not drive apart.
Thus, the more we learn about the Rev. Mike Huckabee, the less there is to there and why this meteoric rise will be a fall on the sword.


Pat Jenkins said...

this is all too prevelant a characterisitc we find with the cons. candidates 64.... a checkered past in comparison to what they say today... do you feel my frustration yet?

Pat Jenkins said...

i had another point 64 so i had to come back... don't you think though that what huckabee has said in the past exactly what those who are going to vote for him want to hear? yep!!!

Righty64 said...

All that is probably true, Mr Pat. But, and this is important, why is what Mr. Romney so much worse than Mr. Guiliani and or the Rev. Huckabee? In and of itself, if what he meant in the 1992 questionaire is what he meant then and now something different, it is ok. But, don't slam someone else as not being truthful. Yes, I am frustrated because too many of these guys, and the gal, on both sides have people telling them what to say and how to say it. I will say this to all the candidates on all sides, throw out your consultants and the like and just talk about what you want to do for the United States, how you will prosucute the War Against Islamofascist Terror, and let the chips fall where they may. And I hope that is a good beginging for Mr. Romney judging from last Thursday's speech.