Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Duke On Liberals

Whilst going around the internets, I found this over at The Other McCain.
It is comments made by the late, great John Wayne.
We do not know when this was done, but it is worth the under five minutes of your time.
The Duke speaks plainly about what liberalism hath wrought on the United States.
It is defiantly not politically correct.
The Duke refers to Native Americans as, Indians.
The language is blunt, if not colorful.
The frightening aspect about this is that not much has changed. It may be that it has only gotten worse. And yet, if one speaks openly about this, one can now be rightfully worried about being tarred as anti-fill-in-the-blank lefty cause.
We need more plain speakers like John Wayne, not less. Enjoy watching the link.

HT: The Other McCain

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