Saturday, March 28, 2009

Turn ON The Lights Tonight!

Today all around the world, many of the iconic landmarks that are lit up will be put out at 8:30pm to "alert" the world to climate change, aka Globaloney Warming.
Here is something different to do.
Turn ON all the lights. If you are home, turn everything ON. Lights, computers everything.
Those of us that are called "deniers" because we do believe in the theory of Globaloney Warming need to stand up to those that do. We are made to feel that our point of view is irrelevant. But, it is not.
Many on the left have grasped on the the cult of Globaloney Warming as a way to socialize the economy. Sort of a last gasp of socialism.
If one thinks that is just hyperbole, consider that the California legislature is considering banning the color black on all new cars beginning in 2012.
It is all part of a way to bring about socialist economic policies through the back door. To "save" the planet.
Do not fall for it.
And remember, at 8:30pm tonight wherever you are, turn ON the lights!

1 comment:

friedmsw said...

Righty, I know that you live in California. However, I have NEVER heard of something so stupid in my life!! Do these people really believe that the color of a car is going to save the planet. Sort of like the people who say that global warning-or now "climate change"-is caused by cows breaking wind. I have heard that the goverment wants to tax each cow because of this "belief". All for the sake of socialism. The only one who "controls" the climate is God Almighty. Now, people are seeing themselves as equal...oh, wait...superior to God.