Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Little Message For All You Sarah Palin Haters

We are now a mere 60 days into the Age o' Obama and many people are now realizing how inept and dangerous President Obama is, has been and will continue to be in the Oval Office.
This little piece in the DC Examiner from Noemie Emery that takes to task all of those who spread the fear of the possibility that Alaska governor Sarah Palin could have been the vice-president.
Yes, it would have been a disaster to have Gov. Palin in the vice-president's chair while the stock market went on it's 2,000 point nose dive. Oh yes, how can we forget the current occupant of the vice-president's chair, Joe Biden. I mean, he just does not know the website number to the internet site of the recovery office he is in charge of. I'm sorry, that is website address. But this is the massive brain that is Joe Biden.
Or how about saying such insipid things as that democracy in the United States is older than that in Europe? OK, that was the intellectual Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Oh, and she could not even pronounce European leaders' names. And her minions at the state department could not even get the Russian translation right for "reset".
Could you imagine if a Vice-President Palin had admitted that she was overwhelmed with the task of being the vice-president? Well, President Obama did. That was the reason given to the Daily Telegraph in London over the shabby treatment their Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, received at the hands of the most brilliant administration ever. So brilliant that they gave Prime Minister Brown a box set of movie DVDs that I could have got down at Blockbuster.
But no, Gov. Palin was an "embarrassment" according to Christopher Buckley, son of the late William F. Buckley. Hmm, was not young Mr. Buckley involved in a nasty divorce because he was cheating on his wife? Hmm, now that is an embarrassment!
Why, Gov. Palin only graduated from the University of Idaho. IDAHO?! Is that even a part of the United States? Must be what the elites were thinking trashing that fact. No, how dare someone of her "qualifications" think that she should be anywhere near Washington D. C.!
And yet, some of these so-called conservatives were taken in by a smooth-talker from Chicago that promised Hope and Change. That he would right all the wrongs of the United States. That he would make the oceans recede. Now that is beautiful rhetoric, but can no longer hide the fact that he has no idea of what he is doing.
We have a vice-president in Joe Biden that can not get anything right, when he is not lifting language from British political leaders. There is Mrs. Clinton at the state department and it is obvious that she is in way over her head. And let us not forget Tax Cheat Timmy Geithner at Treasury. He is one of those that engineered the brilliant AIG "bailout" strategy that has so far bled the American taxpayers only $173,000,000,000 while helping out foreign banks and his former Goldman Sachs compadres.
Yes, the United States is so much better off that Gov. Sarah Palin and her running mate, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain did not get to the Oval Office. We are seeing only the beginning of the Gang That Can Not Govern Straight and the havoc they have wrought and will continue to do so.


Sue said...

the only people saying our President is inept is the HANDFUL of rightwing sickos. its pure unadulterated jealousy. Palin in the White House would have been a disaster, the woman is inept and dangerous in her extreme thinking. She is right up there with Cheney and his war-mongering cronies. God will bless the USA and our new President, things will normalize and it won't happen overnight, afterall it took Bushie 8 years to turn the country (and the world) upsidedown. So patience darling, patience.

friedmsw said...

I love it!! Great post!

skeneogden said...

How about the winning lottery numbers Sue? You're so sure of your prognostications about a woman who wasn't elected to the office and about the man who was.

If Obama's first 60 days are any indication this country is in for a world of hurt over the next 3 plus years.

I'll say one thing for Palin, at least she ran something besides her mouth. Obama's only attributes seem to be his oratory and diction, and that only when he's on teleprompter.

American's have made mistakes before in national elections and they will make them again, but to make one of this magnitude at this juncture may take may years to undo.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, seeing the incompetance unfold, I am reassured about our country's future. The stock market WILL rebound. Our military WILL continue to right wrongs and keep us safe. Jobs WILL be created. The American people WILL find a way to go about our business whatever the fools in Washington manage to "accomplish."

I'm not sure why the current circus act reassures me, could it be something like watching the Keystone Cops making all other cops look brilliant by comparison?

I don't like the idea of the current batch of socialists taking "credit" for Americans doing what we do best, which we WILL do, any more than I like the idea of conservatives being blamed when we're NOT at our best, but as long as the major media slavishly censors conservative philosophy I guess that will be inescapable.

But I'll know better.