Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Perfect Event For April Fool's Day

In less than three hours here on the Left Coast, it will be Wednesday, April 1, 2009. April Fools Day. And what better way to be fooled than a slew of tax hikes that the beleaguered citizens of California will have to pay?!
Tomorrow, in Los Angeles County, the sales tax will rise from 8.25% to 9.25%. The vehicle registration fee, which is one of the reasons Democrat Gray Era Davis is former governor Davis, will go up. And, in completion of the tax trifecta, state income taxes will also rise.
In a little over a month and a half, the voters of California will, God willing, send a message loud and clear to the clowns in Sacramento.
In an earlier post, I noted that we are having a special election to extend the sales tax "temporary" hike, rob some programs, supposedly fund education programs, and not let the legislators give themselves a pay raise if the state budget is in deficit spending.
Want to take a wild guess as to what one of the six initiatives may pass when the voters go to the polls on May 19? Let me just write that it is none of the tax, robbing or funding initiatives. It is the one to deny pay raises to the state legislators. Prop 1F gets these whopping numbers: 81% yes, 13% no, 6% undecided. Only one of the five tax and robbing initiatives comes close to the 50% margin approval and that is Prop 1d which would steal money from early childhood programs. And those numbers can not be all that encouraging, 48% yes, 36% no, 16% undecided.
The rule of thumb in Proposition elections that if the proposed initiative is not at least 50% plus this close to the election, it will fail.
While I oppose every one of these initiatives, I will not be upset if voters pass Prop 1F and vote no on the tax and robbing ones.
It may get even harder when people have to start paying higher sales tax. Income tax. Vehicle registration taxes. And all within two months of the special election.
Yes, it is a perfect day to see our taxes go up in California. April Fools Day.

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