Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Proof David Frum Is A Cancer On The Republican Party

I should not be amazed by this, and I am not. It is more in the category, 'See, I warned you!"
The fact that Obamaweek, aka Newsweek, published six letters in response to so-called conservative Republican David Frum and his one man Jihad against Rush Limbaugh would be OK. But the fact that there was not one letter even remotely defending and or articulating what Mr. Limbaugh has said in the course of 20 years behind the golden EIB microphone is beyond telling.
What, do only left-wing Democrats read Newsweek? Or are they the only ones who would even bother to write praising Mr. Frum to High Heaven?
Of course not!
One of the more amusing letters is from an Erika Giles of Mercer Island, Washington:

So your cover features Rush Limbaugh with the word ENOUGH! taped over his mouth. By putting Rush on the cover of your magazine, you, like much of the media, are encouraging the very behavior you purport to deplore. With the critical problems facing this country, the comments of this hypocrite (have people forgotten his drug use while he railed against drug use by others?) are nothing more than a sideshow. Left alone, the story would have quickly died, which would have been a big favor to the many people in this country who really don't care what Limbaugh has to say.

Erika Giles
Mercer Island, Wash.

Firstly Miss Giles, Mr. Limbaugh never made any rail against drug use. I, unlike most of the letter writers, have listened to Mr. Limbaugh over the years and I never heard him on any kind of anti-drug campaign whatsoever. Now, I have not listened to Mr. Limbaugh as much in the past several years, but Miss Giles should at least give an actual example rather than repeat talking points. And if you do not seem to care what Mr. Limbaugh has to say, why did you waste your time writing to Obamaweek in the first place? Believe me, I am not waiting for that answer.
Secondly, as I have noted many times, by Mr. Frum assaulting Mr. Limbaugh on personality rather than substance, he resorts to an old lefty trick. It is make it about the person and not the policy. It is exactly what the left spent the last eight years doing for former President Bush 43. And, to an extent it worked because we now have President Obama.
While Mr. Limbaugh brings an articulate, reasoned view of conservatism, Mr. Frum is trying to change the basic conservative ideology. Take out those pesky social issues that the DDBMSOWM believe are the only two things conservative Republicans care about-abortion and same-sex marriage-and all will be well. And, Mr. Frum is making it a personality contest.
The reality is that it is David Frum that is a cancer to the conservative Republican cause. By willing to sell out on issues, he is more interested in power for power's sake. Not to be transformative. That is exactly what got the Republicans in trouble in the first place.
As Prof. Douglas notes in the linked post, Democrats Love David Frum.
And that is proof enough we need to lance the cancerous boil that is David Frum once and for all.

HT: Donald Douglas @


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Well, you actually "lance a boil" to drain the pus (dead bacteria and white blood cells). A boil is an infection.

If you're talking about cancer, the correct terms is something more along the lines of "excise," as in "surgically remove."

You could also subject the tumor to radiation and/or chemotherapy.

In other words, to kill it, you must cut it, burn it, and poison it.

Hope this was helpful. Please resume your position in the circular firing squad. I'm getting more popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see or hear anyone give an intelligent critique of Mr. Limbaugh. I won't hold my breath waiting for one.

The biggest arrow in the liberal quiver has always been:

He/She/It/They/They're/That is EVIL!

As evidenced by the riducule from the left when Reagan used their patented rhetoric. How dare he!

Rush is evil. Corporations are evil. Executives are evil. Whites are evil. Men are evil. Blah, blah, blah. It'll never convince anyone who doesn't already agree, but if all you're trying to do is alarm your mindless troops, that's completely irrelevant.