Although the accompanying photo looks pained, this is a man of courage as New Hampshire senator, Judd Gregg, got his bearings and said thanks, but no thanks, to President Obama's offer to be the new Commerce Secretary.
And even more amazing is since Sen. Gregg did not resign his senate seat, he will stay on but not run for reelection.
Some people on the right side do not get why Sen. Gregg would have even accepted President Obama's invitation in the first place. But, Sen. Gregg said it best himself.
Gregg said he got caught up "in the euphoria" of being nominated. He called it a mistake.
And the reality is that no matter what party one is in, it is hard to turn down a cabinet post when the president offers it to you.
But the reasons why Sen. Gregg could not accept were two fold.
First, the Obama administration was taking away one of the few functions of import of the Commerce Department.
The once every 10 year national census.
In a blatant political move, the Obama administration is giving that responsibility to the White House chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel.
Thus, the Commerce Department will have little say in how the census is conducted. For more background on the matter, Michael Barone has a lot to write on that subject.
And as important is the fact that Sen. Gregg just could not stomach the so-called economic "stimulus" bill that is being rammed through congress as I type.
It is one thing to be nonpartisan, but to give up one's whole ideas and being to serve the president, no matter who he or she is, is nothing more than cowardice.
And, Sen. Gregg is not a coward.
Sen. Gregg was very gracious in turning down the offer to be the Commerce Secretary.
But, hey there are three "Republican" senators that might want the job.
Sens. Collins and Snowe from Maine and Sen. Spector of Pennsylvania.
Those three have little principals since they are willing to go along with the so-called economic "stimulus" scam
I am certain that they would have no problem taking their non partisanship to the next level.
Hey, maybe appoint all three and have them rotate the position. Oh, and the Democrat governors can appoint their replacements.
More from the land of Hope and Change!
But it takes an act of courage from Sen. Judd Gregg to say no to a president that on key issues, he does not agree with.
Now, that is Hope and Change!
what he can't put politics aside and serve for the greater good the left is screaming... such a pointless futile exercise to reason with beligerance!
So, you wingnuts found a new hero for the next few days. Good for you.
But, really...Judd Gregg?!? That's what you're reduced to? Them's some mighty Slim Pickins, my friend.
Kinda like rooting for Al Nipper as a starting pitcher in the World Series.
WOW! You are really stretching with the Al Nipper analogy! But, I like the fact you threw in a baseball player! BTW, how are those Red Sox going to do this year? I will tell you, I HATE the Yankees, so that makes me an honorary member of the Red Sox nation, I hope!
Well, Al Nipper actually did start Game 4 at Fenway in the '86 Series against the Mets.
It was an absolute throwaway game by John McNamara. The Sox were up, 2 games to 1, and both Bruce Hurst and Roger Clemens weren't ready. Oil Can Boyd had gotten shellacked the night before.
I rode to the game in a cab with Joe Klein (he had gone over to the Indians as GM) and Jim Fregosi (I'm sure you know who HE is. At the time he was managing the White Sox).
Fregosi was beside himself - "Jesus Christ, I wish I was playing tonight. I'd get ten hits. Al Nipper. Jesus Christ."
True story.
So, yeah, Judd Gregg is the Al Nipper of the U.S. Senate.
But, hey, right now he's the patron saint of wingnuts. I thought you guys had some standards.
BTW, remind me to tell you the story about how I watched several nights of baseball with Peter Gammons. The A's were in town that weekend.
Of course I know of Jim Fregosi. I remember '79 when the REAL "Yes we can" was born. It was a really strange year. That year, the Dodgers ended up in dead last and the Angels went to the playoffs for the first time. Oh, Peter Gammons is the BEST baseball writer and analyst. I envy you for being able to actually watch games with him. We here in Los Angeles just do not have the same kind of writers you do on the East coast. But, we have the best baseball announcer in Vin Scully. A good tradeoff. BTW, that '86 series was really amazing. I mean, so close and yet you had to wait until the next century to see the Red Sox win it all. Believe me, I know that feeling with the Dodgers the last 20+ years!
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