She looks like any average 16 year old girl.
However, Kim Petras, well she used to be Tim Petras.
And, she began her journey from boy to girl at the ripe age of 12 years old.
It is an amazing tale of this young German "girl" and her discovering her feminine side but "she" did and is now officially Kim Petras.
As The Sun newspaper in London, England, describes, "Kim" seemed to always know that she was a girl trapped in a boy's body.
A psychiatrist, Dr. Bernd Meyenburg from the University of Frankfurt Hospital, explains Tim's transformation to "Kim" this way:
"Very few youth psychiatrists have any experience with transsexual developments. The families wander from one psychiatrist to the next.
I was always against such operations on children so young but after seeing how happy one of my patients was and how well adjusted after returning from having the operation abroad while still a teenager - I realised that in some cases it is the right decision.
Kim is such a case - she always knew what she wanted."
Well, that may be all well and good, but a serious question has to be asked.
Is it not possible that "Kim's" so-called "identity" crisis nothing more than a cry for attention? One can make a case that some children, and keep in mind that "Kim" was beginning hormone therapy at the age of 12 years, simply can convince themselves of any situation. And, wanting to become the opposite gender may be another case of that.
No where in the story is there any mention of parents and what they thought of the whole travesty.
Also, nowhere in the article is who paid for this operation.
Since Germany is one of those "enlightened" European nations that has socialized medicine, it is probably safe to assume that the German taxpayer paid for such an operation.
And, how can a 16 year old make such a life-changing move without more than a psychiatrist's A-OK because he knew that "Kim" would be happier as a girl?
What will happen if "Kim" comes to realize that she made a mistake and, oh say when "she" is about 25 years old wants to go back to Tim? What will the same Dr. Meyenburg have to say then?
There are a lot of unanswered questions.
But, of thing is clear.
So-called transgendered people are on the rise and may be no more than a symptom of a depraved age.
An age in which people are so convinced of being opposite of the gender they were born with that even at the age of 16, a boy can become a girl. And, without any parental input.
I think that the parents were neglecting their responsibility by allowing this operation to happen. And to even begin the hormone therapy at an age in which most are just beginning to realize what they are and who they are.
And, it does bring up a legitimate issue that if socialized medicine becomes an eventuality under President Obama, will the American taxpayer be forced to pay for such cosmetic operations?
Of course they would.
Along with abortions and other medical procedures that are no more than cosmetic procedures.
"Kim" Petras is setting a dangerous trend by lowering the bar, and the age, that one can decide that they want to go from boy to girl-or the other way around.
if socialized medicine becomes an eventuality under President Obama, will the American taxpayer be forced to pay for such cosmetic operations?
Of course they would.
Along with abortions and other medical procedures that are no more than cosmetic procedures.
"Kim" Petras is setting a dangerous trend by lowering the bar, and the age, that one can decide that they want to go from boy to girl-or the other way around.
Wow, Talk about your fear-mongering.
How could a 12 year old know that he is a girl trapped in a boy's body? Sounds like someone needs to read up on child psychology!
wow 64 some heavy stuff here! aside form the political element, i am conflicted and sympathetic to those who can't seem to find the peace and identity in who they are, so they must change. that loss of not "knowing" yourself is a very hollow feeling!
You should probably read up on transsexuality before posting something like this. Most transsexuals know from a very young age that their physical sex doesn't match their gender. With appropriate counseling - and all the guidelines seem to have been followed in this case - there's no reason a teenager shouldn't be able to have the surgery. And there's no way that this child will later want to "go back to being a boy", because she never was a boy to begin with.
Please, know what you're talking about before you post.
All I can say is: Ick.
How could a 12 year old know that he is a girl trapped in a boy's body? Sounds like someone needs to read up on child psychology!
Yeah, really. I mean, who ever heard of an adolescent with an identity crisis?
Where'd you get that MSW, on the back of a matchbook?
AMS: "Most transsexuals know from a very young age that their physical sex doesn't match their gender."
I have to agree, it's a standard issue for transsexual indiviuals: A lost childhood. I don't see how letting someone suffer deeply for 18 years is better than giving them the psychological and medical care they need.
That it might be a passing phase is the reason they deserve counseling in the first place, not a reason to deny them any opportunity to act on it.
Who pays for that care is a separate issue.
I think that you are being very ignorant to the fact that this is what she wanted. If she would be unhappy as a boy, why should she be forbidden to live a happy life? What is your problem with this? And if she's made a mistake, it's her mistake, not yours, consider that her "punishment". But why in the world should this decision bother you? She is a person, as are you, so treat her like a person and respect her feelings.
Your comment as to a "so-called identity crisis" displays the narrowed perspective that your religious views afford you. Rather than being able to accept that your God is capable of creating someone who desires acceptance and recognition of their own sense of self; you opt to belittle their choice because you cannot allow that your Creator is capable of such ambiguous irregularities.
People like Kim are not here to flaunt your religious rules and precepts, but are struggling to live among us without the stigma that black and white opinions of gender and sexuality roles force upon them. Show some Christian tolerance.
lucky her... try spending 45 years being something you are not. It sucks. I tried my whole life to wish it away... It doesn't happen and I am miserable as a father, husband, man.
This person was spared a life of misery.
I find it interesting how this blogger states that this girl needs to wait until she is at least 18 years old. Would you tell your teen daughter to wait until she is 18 to get medication or surgical procedures for her diagnosed illness? I'm a bit perplexed as to the ignorance in this world. Clearly this person has never had a friendship with someone with transgender conflicts. Understand before you past Judgement and you'll find the core of why many decisions are made.
As far as Obama and his health care bill, if this type of therapy makes depressed and cognitively ill patients happy, engaged and productive citizens, doesn't that add to the tax base, rather than drawing off it?
It's amazing to see the most conservative view points wanting to combine church and state, while our constitution states it must be separate.
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