Monday, February 16, 2009

More Tax Idiocy

Well, I must write that this latest attempt at raising taxes and allegedly trying to alter people's bad behavior is one for the books.
Five members of the Oregon state legislature want to raise taxes on beer by the barrel.
Only by 1,900%!
That comes out to about $49.61c a barrel of beer.
The article points out that the malt beverage tax has not been raised in 32 years.
But this increase is ridiculous.
Most ridiculous is why the tax hike is being proposed.
To fund prevention, treatment and recovery programs for those addicted to alcohol and other substances.
Of course that is a worthy goal.
But, it always never seems to get through the do-gooders cranium that raising taxes, so-called "sin" taxes, often have the opposite effect because if the hike is high enough, people will not buy the "sin" items such as beer, other alcohol, cigarettes and the like.
So, if these do-gooders do not get the kind of money that they want in this tax hike, how would they come up with money to fund these programs?
BTW, lets play the game of "Guess the political party".
Here are the names of the five legislators:
Reps. Ben Cannon and Michael Dembrow
Portland Sens. Jackie Dingfelder and Diane Rosenbaum, and Springfield Sen. William Morrisette
In the article linked, no one knows what political party the five belong to.
But, thanks to the yeoman work over at the Ace of Spades HQ, I can report to you that all five are, drum roll please. . .DEMOCRATS!
Proof positive that Democrats always like to raise taxes for seemingly good reasons yet do not realize that people will stop purchasing products that are going up and that they do not really need.
Oh well, that is Oregon. It is in firm control of the Democrats. There is no Republican governor to keep any tax hike in check.
Almost seems like California tax idiocy has moved north to Oregon.


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Regarding your earlier posts about California's budget problems (thanks to Prop 10), here's a simple solution - legalize the state's most valuable cash crop.

And, of course, tax it accordingly.

Problem solved.

Pat Jenkins said...

64 at least they haven't thought of taxing flushes yet! (hello australia) and that is a good thing cause with my prostate problems i would be payin out the wazoooo....

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Hey, does your latest heartthrob have her own unpaid-back-taxes problem?

Gov. Sarah Palin must pay income taxes on thousands of dollars in expense money she received while living at her Wasilla home, under a new determination by state officials.

The governor's office wouldn't say this week how much she owes in back taxes for meal money, or whether she intends to continue to receive the per diem allowance. As of December, she was still charging the state for meals and incidentals.

"The amount of taxes owed is a private matter," Sharon Leighow, Palin's spokeswoman, said in an e-mail. "If the governor collects future per diem, those documents would be a matter of public record."

So, she gets paid to eat at home. What a freeloader - Who woulda thought?

But I guess it's OK if you're a repub...


Righty64 said...

Mr. Snarkle, see my latest post. Nice try to nail Gov. Palin, but next time, it would be good to include ALL the facts in an article you use to rant. And you accuse me of not knowing what I am talking about :) !

Anonymous said...

No surprise any more the media "forgets" to include the (D). They "forget" the words Muslim and Communist, among others, too.

At least they never forget (R), Christian and right-wing, among others. They're not brain dead, you know.