Friday, February 13, 2009

And Now, The Spendulus Porkulus Goes To President Obama

As the Democrat controlled House of Representatives passed the so-called economic "stimulus" earlier today, the Democrat controlled senate followed suit by a vote of 60-38, with the Republican Three Stooges of Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter giving this $787,000,000,000 abomination the green light and President Obama's signature.
The outcome was a foregone conclusion as the Democrats did not need any Republican votes in the House and did convince the Three Stooges in the senate to go along with this orgy of left-wing initiatives that have been on the back burner for many a moon.
Yet, we were told that President Obama did all he could to bring along Republicans to make this so-called economic "stimulus". Of course, the way that one does that is to tell them that "I won. I will trump you on that" as President Obama did. Of course it is a petulant House Speaker named Nancy Pelosi that shut out any Republican input on the legislation.
Yea, real bipartisanship.
The lesson for Republicans is this.
There will be no real bipartisanship and there never was going to be any bipartisanship in the Age O' Obama. Plain and simple. Period.
The painful lesson for the United States is that this will not work. Again, there are too many people that voted for 1,071 page piece of legislation that will tell you they have no idea what is in the legislation. When bills like this are rammed through, it is nothing more than a payback to those loyal to the party in power, this time the Democrats.
Oh, and now this economy is all the Democrats and President Obama's. No more blaming the eeevvvviiiiillllll Republicans and former President Bush.
Hope and Change, baby! Hope and Change!


friedmsw said...

Well, it will be the Carter years all over again-or worse. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN?

skeneogden said...

I apologized to my grandchildren (4 & 1) for the reckless spending of a Congress who have decided to engage in inter generational economic warfare instead of swallowing the tough medicine to solve the economic problems.

The narcissism of the Baby Boomers once again defeats sanity. Just wait until the generations behind us balk at paying our Social Security and Medicare. Our generation deserves all of the opprobrium that can be heaped upon us.

Anonymous said...

"No more blaming the eeevvvviiiiillllll Republicans and former President Bush."

It's Palin's fault? :)