A little item over at Townhall.com shows that President Obama is planning to return to his home base, the Windy City, Chicago, every six to eight weeks as long as he is president. Hopefully only four years. Or at this writing, 1.433 days.
Funny, nary a "How dare he" from the fawning propaganda rags and electronic lackeys.
I mean, former President Bush 43 would take August off in Crawford, Texas, and the media would have story after story about how terrible it was and that he was not really working.
While there have been terrible ice storms in Kentucky and tornadoes in Oklahoma and a deadly plane crash in Buffalo, New York, our president was no where near any of these locations.
After all, according to the Obamots in the DDBMSOWM, former President Bush 43 should have been down in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina personally stopping the onslaught of the storm. And Mr. Bush 43's not so quick getting down to the Gulf coast was a sign of racism.
So, can we hold President Obama to the same standard?
If you expect the DDBMSOWM to do that, not only should you not hold your breath, but laugh your head off. Because they will not.
So, after all the hard work of President Obama in expanding government beyond anyone's wildest imagination, the president needs a rest. It is taking him three days to sign a bill that he told the American people that if it were not passed, it would be a "catastrophe".
Well, I guess it is not that much of a catastrophe since President Obama, who could have signed the bill anywhere, had to get a rest of three days and make a big signing ceremony in Denver.
Hope and Change, baby! Hope and Change!
HT: Dwayne Horner @ www.townhall.com/blogs
Didn't we hear the folks making fun of Bush for taking too many vacations? This is getting annoying...ok its been annoying its now upgraded to aggrivating! :0 N
Hey! How the heck is he supposed to get his marching orders if he doesn't visit his puppet masters in Illinois? They took away his BLACKBERRY!
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