Friday, February 27, 2009

Its War Against Success In America

Economist Larry Kudlow smacks down the commander-in-chief in the War Against Success In America, President Barack Obama in this epic post.
In reading this, I realize where that extra $13 bucks a week my dear leader is "giving" to me will go.
To pay higher electric bills. Not to mention higher sales tax, vehicle tax and income taxes here in the not-so Golden State.
By President Obama going after the productive people that make the economy run, he is augmenting the comment that he made earlier this year about the government being the only group that can bring us out of the economic slide. Of course, it is an economic slide in part because of Team Obama continuing to stoke fear and loathing among most Americans.
Mr. Kudlow is confident that the economy will recover, but nowhere near the four percent growth that Team Obama envisions in the budget's out years.
Lets note what has occurred in about one month since President Obama took the oath of office.
Congress passed a $789,000,000,000 so-called economic "stimulus" plan and President Obama signed it into law.
Now a $410,000,000,000 "omnibus" spending bill is winding its way through congress.
And just yesterday, Team Obama announced a $3,500,000,000,000 federal budget.
Since my pocket calculator does not go into the trillions, adding just the three items above on paper, the grand total so far is $4,699,000,000,000.
And, President Obama has to find some money somewhere besides using the same currency printers that the Zimbabwe government does.
So, make the so-called "wealthy" eeevvvviiiillll and take their money and pay for this government grab.
It is sad but true, but President Obama is the commander-in-chief in a war that he relishes.
The War Against Success In America.


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

That's what we're here for -- to keep them from winning that war!

Pat Jenkins said...

arnold needs the tax revenues from man ram's contract to balance the cali budget!... ooops i forgot he WONT sign... what is up with that.... p.s. you will be dodger blue again this year if he don't!

friedmsw said...

AMEN, Pasadena Closet Conservative!

Righty 64, it is always good to read your posts. You always hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of his democrat friends will be taxed. Will Oprah get taxed or will she dodge taxing because of her support. The working class will catch it. Taxing corporate america is not a good idea. This is clearly showing the experience and those he picked to lead this country.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Jeez, you wingnuts are all about wars, eh? War on drugs, war on terror, war on xmas, now a war on success.


Look, here are some of your own wingnut gasbags pointing out a simple fact:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: (snip) Now, obviously what Obama is talking about is what we have had for a long time, progressive taxation. Now, he wants to raise the marginal income tax rate from about 36 percent today to about 39.5. It is a little higher because he wants to eliminate a lot of deductions that the other income people have, so perhaps it's in the 40's.

But let's remember, under Eisenhower, the marginal income tax rate was 91 percent.

HUME: The top rate. The highest rate.

KRAUTHAMMER: The top rate. So what we are talking about here is what used to be once 91 percent under Kennedy in the '70's (sic). It's now in the 30's, so it will be in the high 30's or perhaps in the mid-40's.

HUME: You mean it came down to the 70's under Kennedy?

KRAUTHAMMER: Under Kennedy, down into the 30's over the last decade and a half. Bush brought it from about 39 to 36, and Obama wants to kick it back up to about 40 or perhaps a little higher.

A war on success!!11! oh noes!!11!

I wouldn't normally give any credence to anything from these blowhards, but in this case they did get their figures right.

Yeah, that Eisenhower was a real socialist, all right. And the economy really went to hell during the eight years that he was President, eh?

Look, you're being freaking dupes.

Unless any of you live off trust fund interest and dividends; or unless you're making high six figures every year, of getting bonuses that take you into 7 figures, you're barking up the wrong tree.

You're carrying Limbaugh's water. Make him carry his own.

Righty64 said...

Snarkie, your class warfare schtick is priceless! Actually, I would not exactly call President Eisenhower a conservative. A moderate, yes. Conservative-NO WAY! I think you would like to see the top marginal tax rate 91%. Again, you just like keeping up the class warfare rehtoric.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

That's it? That's your response?

Wow. You've got nothing.

You're on your own, dude. Whatever 'conservative' means, most people want nothing to do with it. You're part of a small, and shrinking, circle.

Lemme know when you've turned off that talk radio crap.



Is that the best you got?

Go ahead and quote the "EVIL" FOX News, but only when you can cherry pick.
Maybe if you had an open mind you could see clearly how this plan is going to bankrupt our nation not only monetarily but morally as well.

Mark my words: Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are the "axis" of evil.

BTW: You guys continue to be scared sh_tless of Limbaugh...makes me smile. Not to mention Palin. Woo Hoo!