Wednesday, November 25, 2009

And We Wonder Why The Federal Government Is Expanding

Take a look at the chart above. It is fascinating as it is the makeup of the presidential cabinets from Theodore Roosevelt to Barack Obama.
And take a good look at the current cabinet makeup of the Dear Leader, President Obama. Those that have served in the private sector are less than 10%. Less than 10%. Af---ingmazing!
Even Jimmah Carter had more people in his cabinet with private sector experience than that of the Dear Leader, President Obama.
At the post at the Enterprise blog, it is noted that since the 1950s, when labor unions were at their strongest, only 15% to 19% of Americans workers were in the public sector. Yet the current makeup of the Dear Leader, President Obama's cabinet is 90% in the opposite direction.
What that means is clear.
There is no way that this current cabinet will seek to have real solutions to such matters as high unemployment, the federal deficit, tax policy, regulation. What the cabinet is advising this president is to expand the federal government beyond any one's wildest dreams.
Why is the Dear Leader, President Obama, having a "Jobs Summit" on December 3? We do not need a jobs summit. We need a federal government that keeps its paws out of the private sector and let them create the jobs, which in turn increases tax revenue. All that is going to come out of this "Summit" is that there is a need for more government programs that lead to a dead end.
Maybe one way that the Dear Leader, President Obama, is serious about reviving the economy is getting some people advising him, and in the cabinet, that have some private sector experience.
But, alas, do not hold your breath. This president is deadly serious about transforming America. From a free market and free society to one in which the federal government controls the economy and our freedoms.
Look at the make up of his cabinet and there is a clue as to where the Dear Leader, President Obama, is going. We need to keep up the opposition. It is working. According to the Real Clear Politics aggregate polling average, the Dear Leader, President Obama, has fallen below 50% and continues to tumble. The Dear Leader is losing independents, the force that got him into the White House in the first place.
I think it is time for the Dear Leader to throw some cabinet members under the bus and bring in some new people. People who know what works and does not work. Big government will not work.

HT: Jonah Goldberg @

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