There is no question that when the Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain asked Mrs. Palin to be his running mate in 2008, it was a game changer. And Mrs. Palin found that she was not just running against Team Obama, but some members of Team McCain.
For instance, Team McCain flunkie and neophyte Nicolle Wallace has long been suspected as one who went out of her way to undermine Mrs. Palin. It is apparent that her begging Mrs. Palin to be interviewed by CBS anchor Katie Couric was the case in point. Miss Wallace promised Mrs. Palin that it would be a light interview and it was a nine-hour marathon sliced to nine minutes and made Mrs. Palin look bad.
Let us not forget the brain surgeon, Steve Schmidt. Quite possibly one of the most incompetent campaign operatives in either party. It is apparent that he has a high opinion of himself and not a good one of others. He too has not been all that kind on Mrs. Palin.
People like Miss Wallace and Mr. Schmidt have a hard time realizing that they had a crappy candidate in Sen. "F--- You" McCain and that it was not Mrs. Palin's fault they could not focus Sen. "F--- You" McCain. Or if they did, it was moronic stunts like "suspending" the campaign to sign on to the then Bush administration so-called "bailout" scam.
The fact is that Mrs. Palin overshadowed Sen. "F--- You" McCain. And that is a bad sign on the one hand. It means the candidate is a weakling. Right after Mrs. Palin was tapped to be the vice-presidential candidate, it was obvious the crowds-and there were crowds-were not coming to see Sen. "F--- You" McCain. They were coming to see Mrs. Palin. And that had to gall the upper echelons of Team McCain.
That is addressed in the book.
But what I hope to learn is about Sarah Palin. From her perspective. Not as the second banana on a presidential ticket.
Like I would read one or both of the Dear Leader, President Obama's books, I want to read this with an open mind.
I would only hope that those who hate the fact that Mrs. Palin even walks the earth would at the very least take time to read her book and learn about her. Not through any filters or preconceived ideological blinders.
I doubt that will happen.
But without a doubt, Going Rogue, An American Life, is out, selling like hotcakes. And for those still smarting from Mrs. Palin, its on!
Roger Stone is not one of my favorite Republican operatives. But this analysis of the bitterness of Team McCain is worth a read.
1 comment:
So, you know how to read?
I'm sure that many of the pages in your copy are already stuck together, pictures or no.
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