Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rubio Closing In On Crist

In the Showdown In Gatorland for the Florida open senate seat, it appears that Marco Rubio is now closing in on Gov. Charlie Crist in the battle for the Republican nomination and is now within 10 points of Gov. Crist.
If this poll is to be believed, it looks like Mr. Rubio went from a meager four percent to now being in a real race, being 47%-37%. And, if you look at the trajectory, it is not good news for Gov. Crist.
Now I do not like registered voter polls. I find the likely voter ones more reliable and accurate. But, even when you look at Rassmussen on this race, it shows that Mr. Rubio is gaining and Gov. Crist is steady at best.
Remember, Gov. Crist supported and tried to back track his support for the Dear Leader, President Obama's so-called economic "stimulus" scam. And remember, Gov. Crist's late endorsement of Sen. John "F--- You" McCain in the Florida Republican presidential primary probably gave Sen. "F--- You" McCain the GOP nod.
While not quite in RINO territory as, oh say our illustrious governor here in California, Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is not a solid conservative. Mr. Rubio is the solid conservative in this race.
Send a message to the National Republican Senatorial Committee by not sending them a dime. Send some cash to Mr. Rubio. Mr. Rubio is closing in and needs to put Gov. Crist out to pasture.

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