Monday, November 09, 2009

Good Lord, Dear Leader! Not EVERYTHING Is About YOU!

One would think that the Dear Leader, President Obama, would have thanked one his his predecessors, one Ronald Wilson Reagan, for accelerating the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Soviet Communism.
But, of course not!
For you see, nothing can stand in the way of some how making a historical event, the fall of the Berlin Wall, all about the Dear Leader.
Consider the evidence.
In a surprise video remote, the Dear Leader, President Obama, has to twist a fate of history to his favorite subject. H I M S E L F!
Here is the money quote:

"Few would have foreseen ... that a united Germany would be led by a woman from Brandenburg or that their American ally would be led by a man of African descent. But human destiny is what human beings make of it."

In this case, who cares about who is leading either nation now? How about taking a breath, stop the narcissism and thank those in Germany and those that were a beacon for freedom while the Soviet Union and the puppet East German government was subjugating its people in fear. That would be the British, the French and our Great Land, the United States. Even today, in a unified Germany, there are American troops ready to defend the nation of Germany at a moment's notice.
Nowhere in the Dear Leader's, speech was there a shout out to the Great Man, Mr. Reagan, who almost all alone believed that the Soviet Union and its Eastern European client states could not just be contained. But defeated. The fall of the Berlin Wall was the culmination of that forward thinking on the part of Mr. Reagan.
Just two years earlier, Mr. Reagan laid down the gauntlet to then Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev and said the fateful words, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" That was delivered in a speech at the very Brandenburg gate that opened up on this day 20 years ago when after weeks of protest against the Stalinist dictatorship of East Germany, freedom came. At the hands of hammers, sledgehammers and people's bare hands tearing the odious vestige of communism. A wall built not to keep people out. But to keep people in.
That would have been a magnanimous way to go for the Dear Leader, President Obama.
But no, remember it is all about H I M. All the time.

1 comment:

DoorHold said...

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
--Genesis 1:1

"Few would have foreseen ... that the Divine creation of the Universe would lead to ... Me!"