Monday, November 23, 2009

The Political Whore Gets His 30 Pieces Of Silver

Without a doubt, this appointment by the California "Republican" governor, Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger, proves that he bought off the political whore, State Sen. Abel Maldonado.
Now, we can call him Lt. Governor, and still political whore, Abel Maldonado.
Now if I may refresh your memory, it was Sen. Political Whore Maldonado that was convinced by Gov. Benedict Arnold to vote for the largest tax increase in California history. In return for that abomination, Sen. Political Whore Maldonado was promised that the voters of the once Golden State would be able to vote on several pet projects of the Political Whore. They were to include an open primary, elimination of 12c tax hike of the California portion of the gas tax, and ban pay raises for state legislators while the state is in a deficit. In the end, only the vote on pay was voted on by the voters and the gimmick passed while a slew of tax hikes failed bitterly.
Now, as if there was any doubt, Gov. Benedict Arnold gave a nice pay back by appointing Sen. Political Whore Maldonado to the largely ceremonial post of Lt. Governor.
But, it will help if Sen. Political Whore Maldonado decides to run for the job next year. And he must or Gov. Benedict Arnold would not have appointed him in the first place.
Note what Gov. Benedict Arnold says about Sen. Political Whore Maldonado:

"(He is) a terrific, loyal man that has worked very hard in public service. "

Yes, loyal to his patron, Gov. Benedict Arnold.
And of course Gov. Benedict Arnold heap praise on his reaching to the other side, being bi-partisan and post-partisan. In other words, he is describing himself and his alter-ego. And by extension someone that has no belief in anything except what is in it for him.
And, sadly, it is not good for California.
For Sen. Political Whore Maldonado he is part of the problem, not the solution. Sen. Political Whore Maldonado is what is wrong with Sacramento. It is putting off the reality that the state is broke and needs a total overhaul on the back burner. For he reached out to the other side and bought their arguments rather than stand on principle.
My bad.
One has to have principles in the first place.
Like his patron, the Lt. Governor to be, Sen. Political Whore Maldonado has none. And that is too bad for the voters of California.
What is needed is a quality conservative to run against this charlatan in the primary. And fast.
We knew that this guy, Political Whore Abel Maldonado, would be paid back for his very, very bad vote in February of this year and here it is.
These are two bad apples in the California apple cart. And thankfully, one will be gone next year. Lets make sure to get rid of the other as well.

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