Saturday, April 03, 2010

Are We Fighting The Left Or Liberals?

When the Dear Leader, President Obama, ran for the presidency, he presented himself as a relatively moderate fellow. He kept emphasizing that he was a tax cutter. Remember the "95% of Americans will get a tax cut" mantra? Then Sen. Messiah Barack talked about having better relations with the other nations of the world.
But a funny thing happened along the way.
Sen. Messiah Barack was elected president and the mask of moderation fell off faster than an anvil dropping from the sky.
Issue after issue, the Dear Leader took a definite left-wing position.
And forced his party, the Democrat party, further to the left.
The current crown achievement was the passage of the so-called health care "reform" scam.
So what happened to the Democrat party of the 90s that emphasized welfare reform and a pro-business liberalism to the current state of the party?
The party has been taken over by it's left-wing and left traditional liberals in the dust.
The leaders of the party are the Dear Leader, President Obama, the Speaker of the House, Jackass Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry Reid.
These leaders have forced the traditional liberal wing of the party to take votes that would seem to go against their natural tendencies. No one within the party wants to take on the Trifecta of the Left leadership.
What the current leadership of the Democrat party speaks of and wants to govern as is more government involvement in many aspects of every day life of the American people. The so-called health care "reform" scam will be something that will evolve over time. And as Jackass Nancy Pelosi said, we have to pass the bill to see what is in it. And that seems to be the way these people want to govern.
Thus, radio talk show host Dennis Prager hits is right on the head. Today's Democrat party is no longer the Democrat party, but a Social Democrat party similar to the Labour party in Great Britain and the Social Democrat parties of the European continent. Thus the last liberal Democrat to be president was John F. Kennedy. And to a lesser extent, Bill Clinton.
The leading liberal in the Democrat party is Sen. Joe Lieberman (Independent Democrat-Conn.) and he is becoming a lonely voice.
Thus, those of us that are conservatives and or centrists are fighting a left-wing Democrat party. Not just a liberal party. It is a party that is practicing the old divide and conquer approach to governing. Old and young against each other. Christians and non-Christians against each other, rich and poor against each other and so on.
What the left-wing dominance of the Democrat party has done is make it annoy the majority of Americans. Thus the Dear Leader, President Obama and his fellow travelers are seeing their numbers tank as the people are seeing them for what they are.
So, I think Dennis Prager is right. We are fighting the left and the party that was once the Democrat party is now the Social Democrat party. And it is a fight that will continue for a long time.

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