Friday, September 26, 2008

The Debate Is On!

It appears that the Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain has decided to go to Oxford, Mississippi and have that oh-so important debate with the Democrat presidential nominee, Sen. Messiah Barack Obama.
Fine, but I say good for Jim Leher for willing to ask important economic questions and not avoid them.
Also, I do not know the political fallout from the move that Sen. "F--- You" McCain did in suspending the campaign and going to Washington to take a hands on approach to the financial services bailout negotiations. Maybe that is why he decided to debate tonight.
Also, an aside.
Will those who think that because Alaska governor Sarah Palin did not answer CBS' Katie Couric's insipid questions about her getting a passport in her 40s-Da HORROR!-and what makes her foreign policy experience any better than say, Sen. Blowhard Joe Biden, lay off! What the McCain campaign needs to do is let Gov. Palin go on talk radio and local media so that she will get a better approach to answering such questions. She is an unknown entity to a lot of the American public. Letting Gov. Palin continue to be assaulted by the likes of Chucky Gibson and Katie Couric is not going to help matters. Let Sarah loose, McCain people.
FTR, the above suggestion was made by Laura Ingraham today on her radio show.
So, I will be watching the debate tonight with fellow Republicans in Pasadena. I think Sen. McCain has a tremendous chance to recover the bad press tonight.


Anonymous said...

I heard the interview. Sarah did a poor job with Katie Couric, but the professionals coaching her could have done a better job. I would have demanded the questions in advance as Bill Clinton and the Democrats do. Most of these interviews are done at the request of the networks, not the guest. Sarah Palin was never chosen for her International experience. She was chosen for other reasons. Here is where she could have listed her strong points. She should have just admitted that she didn't know. Sarah will have to take her blows with these people. To refuse an interview, would be put out over the air waves as being afraid. I am no fan of Katie, But the debate tonight may have some redeeming qualities. I hope so. McCain knows he is in for a fight.

Chef John said...

Did you see the interview? Anyone, from anywhere, with any view would say she has no idea what she is talking about. Did you hear the answer about the bailout. Wow.