Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Grusome Clash Against Civilization

One does not have to limit the clash against civilization between the Judeo-Christian West and radical Islam. As this story in the London Sun tragically shows, it is a clash from within.
While Satanism has a following in much of the West, it is in areas of Europe in which a current history of putting God on the sidelines such as Scandinavia and much of Eastern Europe including the former Soviet Union where the depraved act of torturous murder occurred.
Much of what is called "Death Metal" hardcore heavy metal rock music is very popular and homegrown in Scandinavian nations. It also has a large following in the former Eastern bloc nations.
These are nations that have rejected their Judeo-Christian heritage. In the case of Scandinavia, it is voting for socialism at the ballot box. The former Eastern bloc including the former Soviet Union rejected all religion by the gun and the communist party that ruled most of those nations. The one nation in which the church was not rejected and in fact led to the downfall of communism was Roman Catholic Poland. And, when communism fell in what reverted to Russia, there was a great deal of revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. But, because it was co-opted by the Communist party, it has taken a long time for the majority of Russians to, no pun intended, have faith in the hierarchy.
One has to wonder what kind of punishment these evil-filled youths can have that would make them realize the evil act that they committed. And that is a huge part of why there is a clash of civilization from within.

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