Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why Mike Likes McCain

Since radio talker Michael Medved came out of the John "F--- You" McCain closet, the irrationality of his pro-McCain comments come down to one issue. So-called "comprehensive immigration reform". Period.
Mr. Medved was a lonely voice in conservative talk radio last year as the one supporter of the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam. Even after defeat, he was rather bitter.
Consider that he sung the praises of former Arkansas governor, the Rev. Mike Huckabee, until he became an illegal immigration hawk. Once it also became clear that the Rev. Mike was not going to get beyond his evangelical Christian voting bloc, Mr. Medved came out for Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
No coincidence that it is Sen. "F--- You" McCain is the Republican champion of amnesty, under many names but still amnesty. Mr. Medved was for it.
Mr. Medved went on to say based on the South Carolina primary results that talk radio did not matter. Remember, Sen "F--- You" McCain won only 32% of the South Carolina vote. And, independents were still able to vote in that primary. Not a huge endorsement of the senator's dismal position on illegal immigration.
It is a major reason that Sen. McCain will have a hard time from here on out trying to get conservative Republican voters. And the primaries are becoming Republican only affairs. As they should be.
Mr. Medved says that all of us who do not like the position of Sen. "F--- You" McCain on this issue need to overlook it. And, that Sen "F--- You" McCain has changed wanting border enforcement first. Of course what Mr. Medved fails to mention is that Sen. "F--- You" McCain said that we could have our G-- D--- fence if we want it. Meaning, he has not really changed. Just giving in on a minor point in his mind.
Because Mr. Medved makes it either a mass deportation or assimilation issue, the middle way is where there is employer fines and making the so-called "jobs Americans won't do" undesirable for illegals to come here to get in the first place. That is when there would be self-deportation. Illegals would simply go back from where they came. The reason to be here would not exist.
There is also the fallacy that if we grant amnesty, all these illegals will become Republicans. I find that impossible as long as there is a Democrat party that promises all of the goodies for these people.
Here is for Michael.
I will vote for Sen. "F--- You" McCain if he is the nominee, but will Mr. Medved be as positive if Sen. "F--- You" McCain is not the Republican nominee? We shall see.

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