Saturday, September 01, 2007

Now, What Will The Dinosaur, Drive-by Mainstream Media Have To Talk About-Maybe Hilary The Crook Clinton

Now that that Sen. Larry Craig saga is more or less behind us, what will the DDBMSM have to talk about before the report on progress in Iraq on or around September 15th?
Here is a suggestion.
How about how Sen. Hilary Clinton (D-New York) is already embroiled in another Democrat fundraising controversy? Sen. Clinton has not even become the Democrat nominee for president, which I still do not think she will get, and the tricks of the old man, former President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton are rearing its ugly head.
If you want a lot of info on this scandal of the Clinton campaign and Democrats et al, look for writings from John Fund at the Wall Street Journal - you may need a subscription.
Funny, now who is the Party of Corruption?
One would think that the Democrats could have at least waited to get the White House back before returning to their old tricks!

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