Friday, September 07, 2007

Is OBL A Democrat Strategist?

Today, the world has been treated to the latest ramblings from the most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden. It is nice that there has been an instant translation of what the terrorist beast had to say, particularly to us Americans. After reading the transcript, I have one question?
Is Osama bin Laden a Democrat strategist? Or is he the real bankroller of
I mean, he has taken to almost any given Democrat talking point, even mentioning global "warming". Unbelievable!
bin Laden uses the term "neoconservative" like many Democrats, and Congressman Ron Paul, as if it is a profanity. That is in reference to Vice-President Cheney, former defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and to that anti-"neoconservative" eeeviiillll one himself, former undersecretary of defense, Richard Perle. Why, bin Laden even accuses Mr. Rumsfeld of being behind the Vietnam war and the killing of 2,000,000 villagers.
Actually, we know that bin Laden would feel right at home with the anti-globalization crowd. bin Laden talks about the capitalist system making the world a "fiefdom" of the major corporations.
It is good to know that we, as a people but not all Americans, so believe in God, er Allah, that we put "In God We Trust" on our money.
Why, bin Laden also knows how fragile our soldiers are in the battlefield that is Iraq. bin Laden refers to a soldier named Joshua who has apparently spoken to the media about the conditions in Iraq-of course not in positive terms. If we are to believe the rantings of bin Laden, soldiers are either being blown up by mines all over the place, or killing themselves. It is any wonder there is any soldier left to do the fighting!
While he is not emphasizing the Democrat talking points, and this is the troubling part, bin Laden is making one of those pleas for us "heathens" to convert to Islam. Why, bin Laden is clever to point out that Mary and Jesus Christ are mentioned in the Koran. Of course, in the Koran, Jesus Christ is not the savior, but Mohammad.
It is really fascinating that this is coming now. And, the reason that the previous paragraph is important is the call to covert to Islam is exactly what Mohammad did just before attacking those that were not already Mohammedans. And that maybe that is what maybe the "high sign" to fellow terrorists to launch an attack. And, it is only days before the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
I do jest, somewhat, about bin Laden using Democrat talking points, but the real seriousness is towards the end of the screed. The plea for us "heathens" to leave our faith, I being a Christian, and convert to Islam. That is never a good sign.
I do not really think the bin Laden is behind the crowd, but it is amazing that bin Laden has all this access to information in a cave in either Afghanistan or Pakistan. It does make one wonder.

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

he does sound like durbin, kerry, reid.... and that is no jest!!!