Thursday, September 06, 2007

Don't Harp Too Much On Fred's Cancer

I notice that Hugh Hewitt has a post today on the possibility of now Republican presidential candidate's Fred Thompson's cancer recurring.
I for one do not think it is good to overemphasize that possibility. Look, anyone who has had any cancer has some chance that even with surgery of a recurrence of the cancer.
It is possible that the cancer could reoccur if Mr. Thompson wins the nomination and the presidency. Former President Reagan had colon cancer as president. It did not return while he was finishing his second term.
Unless Mr. Thompson and or the doctors are not being up front, and there is no reason to think anything different, one should not make it too much of an issue.
I know that if Mr. Thompson is the nominee, the Democrat will make it an issue and they will do so at their own peril. And, I think we Republicans should let the Dems make the issue, not us.

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