Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Should Just Move On Out

I have waited to comment on the traitorous advertisement that had published in the New York Times, in the A section at a discount no less, defaming the United States commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus and questioning the validity of the report to congress.
I have waited because I actually thought, silly me, that the leading Democrat presidential candidates would have distanced and or condemned the advertisement.
But, alas, no one would. Oh, of course the pseudo Democrat, Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) did condemn it. Not Sen. Hilary Clinton (D-NY). Not Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill). Not former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC). Not a one.
So, what was so bad about this advertisement?
Besides the caption, "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" Oh, real cute. The advertisement went on to not just imply but downright say that Gen. Petraeus was cooking up the report in a favorable light to the Bush administration.
Now, why would a decorated, injured twice, general of Gen. Petraeus stature lie about the progress, militarily, in Iraq? Gen. Petraeus has nothing to gain by "cooking" the report.
What is nauseating about this tactic by is that by making Gen. Petraeus their scapegoat, they lead the way in attacking the very troops that are in Iraq now fighting the insurgents and al-Queda In Iraq.
Yes, our friends on the left say that they have nothing against the troops. Why, they even support the troops, so they say. But, if Gen. Petraeus is lying, then what the troops are doing in the fight is nothing but a big lie.
So, why do the Democrats let this libel stand? Because is doing two things. The Democrat bidding in discrediting Gen. Petraeus and United States Ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker. According to news reports, an unidentified Democrat senator said that they will leave it to the outside groups like to do their dirty work. So brave of the senator, not even to identify him or herself. So brave to not do the dirty work his or herself. What a slime!
Today's New York Post has an excellent editorial slamming for taking this tack, the New York Times for publishing and essentially agreeing with the content of the advertisement and the Democrat presidential candidates for not condemning this libel.
The second thing that is doing is ginning up their members and in turn the Democrat base by renewing the anti-war creed of the Democrat party. gets more cash and that goes, indirectly, to Democrat candidates.
Since the Democrat party is showing it self to be the cowards that they are, I predict that this will backfire and that the sober, no sugar-coated report of Gen. Petraeus and Mr. Crocker will gain support for the surge and repulse the centrist voter that the Democrats believe they have in their hip pocket.
If the Democrats are a serious party and want to be a centrist party, the first thing that the leadership and presidential candidates must do is distance themselves from this fifth-columnist group,, and stand up and say that they will give the surge a full chance and if their is no tangible results by spring, then pursue legislation that will end the war in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror and try to get some Republican support.
Being cowards as the Democrats are is unbecoming of a party of the stature that they have been-until now. To start, responsible Democrats need to tell to move on out.

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