Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Fallen Man And Not A Good Day

This morning, Sen. Larry Craig did the right thing and resigned from the senate effective September 30. We should all hope that this ends the overblown public side of this very unfortunate event and possible series of events.
But, we who called for Sen. Craig to resign should not, and I mean not, be celebrating or happy in the least.
In many ways, this saga of Sen. Craig allegedly soliciting sex with another man at an airport men's room has made a lot of people talk on all sides. Remember, Sen. Craig plead guilty to a much lesser charge of disorderly conduct, not the actual act of solicitation. Judging by the transcripts and audio of the interrogation after Sen. Craig's arrest, not being a lawyer, I think he should have fought it. And it appears that the case was not all that strong because Sen. Craig was able without a problem to plead to a lesser charge.
But, what I think is very important to look at the greater issues of sleazy people who try to "out" alleged homosexuals they do not like because they do not support the "gay agenda", the importance of marriage and is this just another corrupt Republican that can't put his money where his mouth is on a serious issue such as marriage.
Mike Rogers is the most vile human form of excrement on God's green earth. After all, it is Mr. Rogers who is making a crusade to "out" alleged homosexuals because after all, they are living a lie, not being true to themselves by not being open about their sexuality and not supporting the left-wing "gay agenda", especially same sex marriage. Who in the hell is this Rogers to be the judge, jury and executioner on how people should live their lives?! Why doesn't some one look into this creeps life. Here is something that maybe shocking to Rogers. Some people are gay and lesbian and everyone knows it. Some of the same people do not think and or support same sex marriage for a variety of reasons. And, Rogers, there are some people who are bisexual, which you do not want to believe because in your sick, one or the other world, you can not recognize that there are people who may be sexual compulsive who do not care where or how or with who they get sex. That maybe Sen. Craig's problem. But because of this man, Rogers, blogging, which gives all of us who blog a bad name, he accused Sen. Craig of being a closet homosexual. And because of that, an excrement of a blogger, the local Boise newspaper, the Idaho Statesman felt the need to waste time and money and resources digging into Sen. Craig's sex life all the way back to when he was in college in 1967! And, the Statesman only printed the article because of the plea deal Sen. Craig agreed to and was made public in the Capital Hill newspaper, Roll Call on Monday.
So, why Sen. Craig? Because he opposes the left-wing homosexual agenda which is not focused on same sex marriage. A no-no in left-wing gayland. And, because if you are potentially in the closet about your sexuality, well they are there to help. By ruining you and also your family and children and in Sen. Craig's case, grandchildren. I am sure as I have read all kinds of comments in the blogoshphere that the pro left-wing gay rights crowd is very happy they have destroyed this man and family. Hmm, talk family values!
But, as a serious aside, this issue does raise the meaning of and carrying out of marriage.
As a Christian, I absolutely believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. I also believe that is a sacrament ordained by God in Genesis and in Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Marriage is probably the most important act of giving one's self to another in all ways that we can do here on earth in our short time. In the Holy Bible, it says that the two flesh, man and woman, bond as one flesh in marriage. I take my marriage vows between Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast and I very seriously. And, because I am human, at times I do fall short and so does Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast. That is the way marriage is.
Some people want to redefine that view of marriage. At this time, it is people of the same sex. As an aside, I think it is good for those that are openly gay and lesbian and want to commit their lives to each other. It is better than trolling for sex any where, any time. But, to say that the relationship is exactly the same as my marriage, I just can not wrap around that. I think it is a fair compromise to discuss the concept of civil unions rather than use the M word to describe the relationship of same sex couples. Maybe as science tries to explain the whole of our bodies and brain, it will become more clear. Also, it is only within the last 20 years or so that many Americans are changing their general views of gay and lesbian people in general. By pursing something called same sex marriage, many activist groups are creating some thing to set back the rightful gains of people who are gay and lesbian. Time, and time again, voters in many states have said no to same sex marriage. In many of those same states, talk of civil unions is getting people less worried and thus real discussion can take place. The activists are pushing the envelope way too fast.
In the issue of just another sleazy Republican, if there is truth to what Sen. Craig has done in his life regarding his sexual exploits, then yes he is a "nasty boy" as Sen. Craig referred to former President Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. And, he did the right thing. Republicans, once they had control of congress ended up not being any better than the Democrats that controlled the House of Representatives for 40 years. We had Mark Foley, who BTW was never denying or affirming that he was gay, it was just there. And all tied to the Abramoff scandals. We Republicans had some bad apples and no one seemed to police them as they should. I would at this point refer you to my post of Friday, August 31 about, "Who Are These People We Elect To Public Office." I think that Republicans and Democrats do not have a whole lot to be proud of.
Both parties have sleeze and need to clean it up. Both parties need to set standards and yes high ones so that the public trust is not trashed by people who are there for their own personal gain and or to be perverts with power or all the negative things that go with being an elected public official. Because the Republican party has controlled the congress until the 2006 elections, there is still fallout from that. But, already there is a scandal brewing with Sen. Hilary Clinton and her fundraising. Here we go again!
But, all in all I really hope that Sen. Larry Craig can get the help that he needs and that he can repair the damage done to his wife and children and grandchildren. We always have to remember in these very serious debates we are not just talking in generalities but about people and when people are involved instead of a concept, we need to be very careful. And when we are talking concepts and understanding, do so not just to score points and make the other guy look bad. We all have our convictions and sometimes we fall short of what we really do believe. That is what I can take away from this, not good day in Idaho and the United States.

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