Monday, November 01, 2010


As the midterm election season nears its climax and Republican resurgence, one race needs to be discussed and the voters must vote the right way.
In the 49th state, the great state of Alaska, there are two major party candidates, a spoiler, and a lot of people trying to make sure the spoiler does not keep her senate seat.
There is the political crack whore and senate incumbent, Lucy Mooseheadsky*. And the legitimate challengers, Democrat nominee Scott McAdams and Republican nominee Joe Miller.
Now, "Sen." Mooseheadsky* lost the Republican primary to Mr. Miller. Then days later she just could not accept that the Republican voters of Alaska would just say no to her and her proclivity to bring the pork home.
No, sir!
"Sen." Mooseheadsky* decided that she just had to still be the senior senator from Alaska. And she launched a write-in bid to keep her seat. Hence, she earns the Right View From The Left Coast honor of being the United States' senate political crack whore.
And it seemed like she just might pull it off.
Hell, she even got a helping hand from the Alaska state supreme court. The court ruled that poll workers can assist people wanting to write in "Sen." Lucy's* name and could show how it should look. Already written out, of course. Little did the court know that would send over 100 people pursing their own write-in campaign to blunt the assault of "Sen." Mooseheadsky*
Well, it does appear from the latest polling that the good people of Alaska have had enough of "Sen." Mosseheadsky and her family and are poised to elect Mr. Miller to the senate seat.
My plea is this.
Do NOT write in "Sen." Mooseheadsky* as your vote for senator from Alaska. You must vote for Mr. Miller to be the next senator from Alaska. This may turn out to be a huge one for the Republicans to win tomorrow night. The fact that there are many people willing to blunt the write-in attempt by "Sen." Mooseheadsky* is enough. And, if that is not enough, consider that "Sen." Lucy* is hedging her bets on whether or not she will caucus with the Republicans or the Democrats.
Look, the gal lost fair and square. She needs a vacation. She needs to get back home. Remember her roots. Think about a possible run for the other senate seat. Maybe governor. But, please Alaska, remember this.
A vote for Joe Miller is a vote to send "Sen." Lucy Mooseheadsky* back home for a well deserved rest.

*It is the correct way to spell the senator's name for write-in purposes!

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