The supreme court of the United States, after a two-week flurry of abysmal decisions finally got one right and ruled, essentially, that any law-abiding American citizen has the right to bear arms. In the process, the ruling struck down a draconian hand gun ban in Washington, D. C.
The ruling was written by Justice Antonin Scalia and this nugget is one of the most important statements on the second amendment:
“It is not the role of this court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.”
The problem is that the advocates of gun control would like nothing more than to make the second amendment extinct. The gun control crowd uses such euphemisms as that the second amendment is "antiquated" or that the meaning of a militia is very narrow, like a state's national guard.
Here is the second amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Now, I would like to point out that Switzerland is a neutral nation with no standing army. But, and this is important, every citizen is required to have a weapon in their home. In other words, the people are the militia.
Thus, the second amendment is clear. That to have a free, secure nation, the people have the right to keep and bear arms. And, because of that right, the people will be able to defend the nation in time of war. And, themselves in time of peace.
It is why Justice Scalia wrote what he did, about not wanting to make the second amendment extinct.
Several other nuggets from the majority opinion of Justice Scalia:
Scalia noted that the handgun is Americans' preferred weapon of self-defense in part because "it can be pointed at a burglar with one hand while the other hand dials the police."
Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said that an individual right to bear arms is supported by "the historical narrative" both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted.
The Constitution does not permit "the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home,"
The issue before the court was relatively narrow and the decision was also relatively narrow.
But the importance can not be overstated. It is the first time that a supreme court took on the second amendment and made a decision based directly on the amendment.
This decision could make a political issue, if the Democrats want to revert to a strident pro-gun control position. But, if the Democrat presumptive presidential nominee, Sen. Messiah Barack, and his tortured response is any indicator, they do not want to go down this road. But, remember that a President Messiah Barack would appoint the kind of judges and justices that would have gone the other way on this issue. For the record, Republican presumptive presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain hailed the decision.
At least the court made one sane decision and the people of Washington, D. C. may now be able to protect themselves with a handgun in the home-thanks to Justice Scalia and Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and, yes, Anthony Kennedy.
64 i will grant you an obama presidency will mean the greatest assault on an individual and his "rights" this nation has ever seen!!!
I'm not done rubbing this in the faces of the gun banners so let's just keep it quiet that the decision was actually rather limited in scope. Still, for what it is, it was a pleasant result, which I hope can be expanded upon.
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