Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How To Alienate Potential Customers

Leave to a left-winger to go out her way to alienate a potential customer base with a stupid comment that shows how these people really think.
Pat Schroder, a former Democrat congresswoman from Colorado is the president of the American Association of Publishers and in a recent interview http://breitbart.com said, I kid you not, that it is all Karl Rove's fault!
This is the beautiful quote from Mrs. Schroder:
"The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple of slogans: 'Not, don't raise taxes, no new taxes.' "
So, according to Mrs. Schroder, those of us who are conservatives are so dumb and yuk yuk yuk that we only care about taxes and we all get our marching orders, blindly, from Karl Rove.
But, it gets better. Mrs. Schroder also went on to say that liberals tend to be policy wonks who "who can't say anything in less than three paragraphs. We really want the whole picture, want to peel the onion."
Again, liberals want to know more than conservatives who are morons and just led like robots.
What an anus Mrs. Schroder is!
It also goes to the heart of the mindset of the left. They really do believe that they are smarter than conservatives and one example is that they read more books than conservatives. Of course, Mrs. Schroder does not expand on what kind of books the intellectual giants are reading. Maybe they are reading romance novels.
All of this hyperbole is in response to a recent poll in which liberals claim that they read more than conservatives.
The poll was by AP-Ipsos, so that should tell one something.
According to the poll, 22% of liberals and moderates said that they have not read at least one book in the past year. Us ignorant conservatives come up with 34% who have not read a book within the past year.
So what? Liberals always want to show off how "smart" they are and will say they read more, are more culturally aware and all of that. I want to know what kind of books these people supposedly read? I think that makes a difference. Also, what the article pointed out is that the publishing industry is liberal dominated. So, the publishers tend to go after those they know will buy books. Have these same nimrods noticed celebrated conservative authors like Ann Coulter or Newt Gingrich, and many other conservative authors? Have these same nimrods noticed that there is niche book clubs like the Conservative Book Club or American Compass? And most damning, have they noticed because they have so ignored the conservative reader that there are publishing houses by and for conservatives such as Regenery? Probably not judging by Mrs. Schroder's moronic comments.
Yes, I am enraged because this is the canard of the left. We are dumb. We only care about taxes. We are easily lead.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Conservatives are thinking people who access a great deal of information to make our world view. We do read and you may notice that I have some book recommendations on this site. But, we also use the Internet and other sources to understand and thus have a world view. It is now apparent to liberals and instead of competing in the field of ideas, people like Mrs. Schroder like to mock us. It shows how ideologically bankrupt the left is.
Here is something for Pat Schroder and her ilk.
Keep offending potential readers. Make us more enraged. We need to have more conservative publishing houses so we can actually get our books out there so the public can read and judge for themselves. Since you think that we are morons, yuk yuk yuks and plain stupid that all we can comprehend is slogans, maybe you should publish a book of slogans. Oh, we would not know how to purchase them without help from Karl Rove.


Incognito said...

yeah but what kinds of books?!

Righty64 said...

That is the point? Who cares if socialists, er liberals, read more. What matters is WHAT they are reading. And that is why I believe that the so-called poll is fatally flawed. But, it falls right into the trap that socialists, I keep writing that!, are smarter than conservatives. And talk about slogans! And bumper stickers! Now, there is a future post!