Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales A Victim Of The Left

I will preface this post by writing that I have not been a huge fan of soon to be former attorney general Alberto Gonzales. But, I will point out that Mr. Gonzales was not the worst attorney general and the real underlying reason he has been so vilified in the DDBMSM and by left wing Democrats is simple. He is the first Hispanic attorney general and he was appointed by a REPUBLICAN and that is a no-no in Leftyland.
In Leftyland, one who belongs to a "minority" group, eg, Hispanics, Blacks, women, homosexuals, and the list goes on, can not be a conservative and or worse, a Republican. Because you maybe a member of any of the just mentioned groups, you must be to the left and a Democrat. People like Mr. Gonzales have some kind of problem being a Republican and conservative.
Now, as noted, he has not been the best attorney general, but what he was accused of supposedly notoriously doing was nothing that other attorney generals have done in the past. Fire some United States attorneys, who serve at the pleasure of the president no matter who he or she may be. Mr. Gonzales was well within his rights to do that. The supposedly illegal wiretaps. Again, one could argue the merits or non-merits, but nobody would be upset if the attorney general was a Democrat and doing the same thing.
No Democrat would ever say that race played a role in driving Mr. Gonzales out of office, but clearly it was a part of this story.
Mr. Gonzales was clearly in over his head as the attorney general. Somebody more competent, and yes maybe Hispanic could have been appointed to the attorney general in the first place.
But, no matter what one's race is, incompetence can not be rewarded. And he needed to go. But, he was driven out more because he represented something that just drives the Democrat left crazy. Being a conservative Republican is more dangerous to these people than Osama bin Laden and al-Queda.
I am sorry that Mr. Gonzales needed to resign under such pressure. It will never be reported or admitted to, but the Democrat's real reason to drive Mr. Gonzales out was because he is a conservative, Hispanic Republican. How dare he actually think for himself!

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

you said it perfectly 64, conservatisim trumps minority status any day of the week for a liberal. since they view cons. as a criminals no matter!!!!