Saturday, June 02, 2012

A Very Bad Flu Strikes Your Humble Blogger

Since Wednesday evening, I have had quite possibly the flu from hell. And I only figured it out yesterday after a visit to the doctor.
Started with a horrible sore throat that devolved into the full body ache, inability to eat, just an overall feeling of BLAH!
Now on two strong anti-biotics, heavy duty cough syrup and pain killer, I hope that I am turning the corner.
But honestly, I still feel like crap.
A lesson learned here.
I am too old to get this flu business. When available I will get the flu shot. A cold, no problem. A bad cold, no problem. This, oh this is like the worst I can remember having in a long time.
Hope to be back blogging next week.

1 comment:

AmPowerBlog said...

Hope your feeling better!